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Thread: Bank Statement????

  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Hi Guys,
    for those who have already been through the settlement visa stage could you please answer this for me.

    I went to my Building Society today to get a 6 month Bank Statement to send off to my wife to be added to the visa but i am not sure if it will be acceptable because although it has all my transactions over the 6 month period and also it has my account number on it, my name and name of the Building Society are not on it.

    I made the mistake of not keeping the ones that are sent by post and only have the last months that do show my name etc.

    Well what do you think will this be acceptable or will i need to go back and get something else?



  2. #2
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 26 2006, 07:59 PM
    Hi Guys,
    for those who have already been through the settlement visa stage could you please answer this for me.

    I went to my Building Society today to get a 6 month Bank Statement to send off to my wife to be added to the visa but i am not sure if it will be acceptable because although it has all my transactions over the 6 month period and also it has my account number on it, my name and name of the Building Society are not on it.

    I made the mistake of not keeping the ones that are sent by post and only have the last months that do show my name etc.

    Well what do you think will this be acceptable or will i need to go back and get something else?



    Maybe they can give you copies of the ones sent by post? Or a cover letter stating all the details, name etc?

    I can't imagine the embassy will accept a nameless statement for any reason. Finances was the one thing they dwelt on when my wife applied for her settlement visa. They definitly want to know that you can support her.

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I would go back if i was you, i was missing one of my months ststments so reordered(was able to do by phone). The Bank charged me 5 pounds but they had all the details such as my name and account details and printed in the same style as all the others.
    It might cost 30 pounds (if your missing all statments) but i would think it well worth the cost.

    When you send them don't forget to get copies of the statments if you want to keep the orignals. As if you just send in the orignals they will keep them.

    Like Pauldo writes Finance is an area where the Embassy will take much intrest if anything seems out of place.

    I had six months of Pay slips,last years P60,six months bank statments,some example of utlity bills,a letter stating im all up to date on service charges on my flat, a copy of my council tax bill, even printed out a list of all the direct debits before my wife came and what i would have once she was here.

    My thinking behind this was to show i was coping now and should be ok once my Wife was with me.

    Better to send to much than be requested to send or bring more.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    thanks for your input, i will call with them tomorrow.

    My wife has my birth cert in the file so should she just copy it and send of the copy or will they require the proper one?


  5. #5
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    You can get them to just stamp & sign them, probably only charge you £100 each It is the UK you know

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  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 27 2006, 01:02 AM
    thanks for your input, i will call with them tomorrow.

    My wife has my birth cert in the file so should she just copy it and send of the copy or will they require the proper one?

    Send both the orignal and the copy.

    Make sure you have both the orignal of a piece of paperwork so the embassy can see its the real thing and a copy they can keep for their records. They should return the orginal.

  7. #7
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Jan 27 2006, 10:42 PM
    Send both the orignal and the copy.

    Make sure you have both the orignal of a piece of paperwork so the embassy can see its the real thing and a copy they can keep for their records. They should return the orginal.
    When my mom in law applied for settlement last November the courier checked out all the documents and gave her back the originals, taking only the copies to the embassy. She had to go to the local telephone place (forget the name) to do all this.

    It was not as simple as we expected, though better organised, and rather than just a guy on a bike collecting the package he went through everything, checking over the phone to the embassy that it was okay.

    So, you'll need a copy for the embassy, but also the original so he can compare the two and make sure it is a genuine copy.

    Unless the system has changed again, which is very likely :huh:

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 26 2006, 07:59 PM
    Hi Guys,
    for those who have already been through the settlement visa stage could you please answer this for me.

    I went to my Building Society today to get a 6 month Bank Statement to send off to my wife to be added to the visa but i am not sure if it will be acceptable because although it has all my transactions over the 6 month period and also it has my account number on it, my name and name of the Building Society are not on it.

    I made the mistake of not keeping the ones that are sent by post and only have the last months that do show my name etc.

    Well what do you think will this be acceptable or will i need to go back and get something else?



    hmm just a thought but last months statement has your account number and name on it? that would tally with your six month statement (with just your account number on it ) to yourself... and if the two overlap a little then maybe that would be enought.

    or is the six month statement just a print out on plain paper? that could of been knocked up by anyone with a printer?


  9. #9
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    When Elsa submitted the application for her Settlement Visa last year, I had lost the original bank statements from the previous 6 months, so I asked my bank HSBC to supply print outs to cover the last 12 months. They supplied the statements on HSBC headed paper with just my name and account number on it, no address. The Embassy seemed happy with that - they didn't say anything to Elsa. I think what is more important is that the figures match up - if you say you earn X amount per month on the application, this must show on the statement somewhere.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    the bank just sent me a copy of the original ones today up to the end of December. I just need to wait now to get the month of January which could take until around the 12th of Feb before they are posted which is a pity as everything else is ready. I know i could print of the month of Jan online but still unsure if they would accept that.

    One other thing i was looking into sending the bank statements etc by post asap and by using a fast delivery and the quote i have so far is DHL and they are looking £50 which i thought was expensive, have you any other ideas?


  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 28 2006, 11:52 PM
    the bank just sent me a copy of the original ones today up to the end of December. I just need to wait now to get the month of January which could take until around the 12th of Feb before they are posted which is a pity as everything else is ready. I know i could print of the month of Jan online but still unsure if they would accept that.

    One other thing i was looking into sending the bank statements etc by post asap and by using a fast delivery and the quote i have so far is DHL and they are looking £50 which i thought was expensive, have you any other ideas?


    John, don't worry too much about this fiasco over bank statements, its not uncommon, in June of last year, I had already submitted bank statements to them, when Gina's visa was 'famously' re-voked, 'without prejudice' I had to submit a further bank statement for June of that year, and for July, when we exclaimed to them that it was not the end of June even, and that those statements were in the future, they just shrugged their shoulders, so don't worry too much, the January statement shoud arrive after end of the month, mine normally comes around the 5th of the next month.

    May I suggest you send them FeDEX its normally around £35.00 from any participating agent, or FeDex direct.

    If you want to cut costs, you can send them Royal Mail international Signed for, this is a normal envelope service, but an extra £5.00 will get the enclosure signed for in the Philippines, although the time scale is the usual 10-14 days for arrival.

    Other than that, there is no other way, unless of course you go back with them.


  12. #12
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jan 29 2006, 08:37 AM
    John, don't worry too much about this fiasco over bank statements, its not uncommon, in June of last year, I had already submitted bank statements to them, when Gina's visa was 'famously' re-voked, 'without prejudice' I had to submit a further bank statement for June of that year, and for July, when we exclaimed to them that it was not the end of June even, and that those statements were in the future, they just shrugged their shoulders, so don't worry too much, the January statement shoud arrive after end of the month, mine normally comes around the 5th of the next month.

    May I suggest you send them FeDEX its normally around £35.00 from any participating agent, or FeDex direct.

    If you want to cut costs, you can send them Royal Mail international Signed for, this is a normal envelope service, but an extra £5.00 will get the enclosure signed for in the Philippines, although the time scale is the usual 10-14 days for arrival.

    Other than that, there is no other way, unless of course you go back with them.


    Hi Pete,
    thanks for your help but i am sure you agree that when you are about to phone cava you want everything to be there and in order so they can accept the application.

    Rhea has just arrived back from Cebu were she went for the nfo seminar and she got on fine although some of the girls that attended were refused for whatever reason i am not sure.

    I am hoping to go to the Philippines in early April, flying into Cebu and the best price i have so far is £485 and that is leaving London on the 4th April and returning from Cebu on the 25th April so if anyone knows of a cheaper flight please let me know.


  13. #13
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 29 2006, 07:10 PM

    Rhea has just arrived back from Cebu were she went for the nfo seminar and she got on fine although some of the girls that attended were refused for whatever reason i am not sure.

    John, the day my mom in law went for interview, in November, only four people were given visas. They seemed to have on 'old peoples' day as they were mainly all, er, old people in there. The auntie was waiting outside all afternoon, and asked everybody who came out. Many were in tears, angry, pi$$ed off etc.

    The CFO seminar was a bit of a joke. I'd heard stories of brainwashing about us child molesting, wife beating Brits, but all the MIL really remembers of interest was being told to 'eat all the food they give you on the plane, because it is free'! Now THAT sounds like something a Filipino would say

  14. #14
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    on another note i have sent of clear copies of the times i entered the Philippines and my photo page that are on my passport, is this enough or will they need a copy of every page?


  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 30 2006, 08:07 PM
    on another note i have sent of clear copies of the times i entered the Philippines and my photo page that are on my passport, is this enough or will they need a copy of every page?


    My Wife had a photocopy of my passport showing all the pages in the passport.
    I have read in various sites that the embassy likes to see all pages to ensure there are no problems with the passport.
    You should also get the copies notarized as well. I had this done in phill as it was much cheaper.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    thanks Andypaul for your reply....

    Pete, Keith etc what is your view also, did you need to photocopy your whole passport or was just your entry stamps to the Philippines and photo page enough?


  17. #17
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Jan 31 2006, 10:11 PM
    thanks Andypaul for your reply....

    Pete, Keith etc what is your view also, did you need to photocopy your whole passport or was just your entry stamps to the Philippines and photo page enough?


    The embassy website doesn't make this very clear, but it is correct you will need to photocopy all pages, even blank ones, and they must be filed in page number order. I've heard about this so many times over at Asawa.

    I didn't get my passport photocopy certified, I just signed it myself, but I would advise you play it safe and get it notarized in Philippines, its much cheaper.

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Jan 31 2006, 11:21 PM

    The embassy website doesn't make this very clear, but it is correct you will need to photocopy all pages, even blank ones, and they must be filed in page number order. I've heard about this so many times over at Asawa.

    I didn't get my passport photocopy certified, I just signed it myself, but I would advise you play it safe and get it notarized in Philippines, its much cheaper.
    I just photocopied the ID page on mine for the settlement visa application. Mind you I was there for the appication and I did have, er, six passports to show the girl on the desk Three were current, three were full or expired

    I did have but one Philippines stamp in the newest passport I originally handed over, which perplexed her seeing as I stated in the application I'd lived there for five years or so. Then she spied the small heap of other passports in our Everest of paperworks

  19. #19
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    We had everything copied, and stamped/signed by a solicitor who charged us nothing, so shop around.

    If they do it for free, take them in some chocs.

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