The story is, Harlene's Mum is currently in Finland visiting her other Daughter who works for a family member out there. She is there for three months (until August) At this moment in time we are waiting for a passport for the baby, I have had a text to say it will be six weeks, which is end of June (fingers crossed)
I have 12 days leave from work mid July, so we plan to go to Finland so Harlene's Mum can meet her Granddaughter for the first time and I can meet Harlene's Sister for the first time.

Obviously myself and baby have no problem with visas holding UK passports (as soon as it comes) But I have no idea how to go about getting one for Harlene or if we can seeing she already has a spouse visa for the UK.

I don't expect anyone on here would have experience on Finnish visas, so it's a long shot! but I thought I'd ask anyway....

Also, if we do manage to go, silly question, but Harlene would just need to show her passport with the spouse visa to get back into UK right, I mean you are allowed to leave and come back aren't you?