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Thread: Cenomar question

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Cenomar question


    I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on this.

    When applying for a marriage license in the Philippines, part of the documentation will need to include my girlfriend’s cenomar to show she is single. As it stands, this lists 2 previous marriages, one of which has been annulled, the second is in the process of being. However, the date of the 2nd marriage occurred before the first annulment completed – in effect she re-married whilst already married.

    This second marriage came about due to some bloke she met while doing a training course at the local university, needing a marriage certificate for a visa to work in the United Arab Emirates (where he's been for the last 18 months). He obtained a second cenomar for her, which showed she was single by supplying false information to the NSO, and then threatened her into marrying him. Since he is treating this as some sort of game and was ‘kind enough’ to send me a copy of the certificate, including photos, I know several details on it are false and that the whole thing is void anyway, but even when the annulment completes, the record will still exist on my girlfriend’s proper cenomar.

    What concerns me is that anyone looking at this, is going to realise there’s been a case of bigamy and will assume some other motive was involved. I’m guessing some other legal documents are needed to explain the circumstances, but could there now be an issue when applying for a fianceé or spouse visa?


  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Bruce, it seems like a can of worms already. She must be completely annulled from everyone before you can get a cenomar
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Keep your fingers crossed that the authorities do not arrest her, as from what you say, she appears to have committed several criminal offences.

    As Steve says, 'A can of worms'.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member
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    Time to run I reckon.

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