Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
Love stuff like this,I know they are more modern but I remember going to Elvington air show with my kids a good few years ago.Yards away from me was a harrier jump jet just hovering above the ground.The noise and vibration was amazing-he shot in the sky did a few loops and rolls etc.then the commentator said the pilot was nipping over tp Blackpool (did not bomb it tho) to do the same excercise (about a 100 miles away) but he would be back in about 20 mins or so
i could not get my head around that amazing
I remember being taken as a kid to a massive show at Greenham Common years before they put the Tomahawks there. It was a huge base with the longest military runway in the UK. There was obviously a big yank influence on the show and I'll always remember a whole squadron 20 odd USAF F4 Phantoms flying in from Germany doing the display and then going back. The ground shook