I don’t know of ANY life-saving drugs for breast cancer treatment which would be denied anywhere in the UK. It’s a different matter in the Philippines, if treatment is unaffordable.
Despite the recent media publicity given to " immune therapy ", the main treatments for breast cancers are surgical excision ( if possible ) ; chemotherapy ( before or after excision ) ; radiotherapy ( usually after excision ) ; hormone treatment ( before or after excision ) ; and targeted therapy ( afterwards, depending on the pathological type ). ALL of these are available on the NHS ( and, if affordable, the Philippines ).
Once the cancer has spread beyond the breast and regional lymph nodes ( to lungs, bones, liver or elsewhere ), sadly it’s probably incurable. Drugs which might prolong life by months – expensive and not universally available ( either because of cost or they are too new to be sure of their effectiveness ) – are NOT " life saving ".
I would not personally judge anyone with ( presumed ) advanced breast cancer. Unfortunately " post code lotteries " do exist, just as " country lotteries " exist – if only everyone in the world had equal access to health care when they needed it.