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Thread: Stand Off at Peninsular Hotel - Manila

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Stand Off at Peninsular Hotel - Manila

    Senator and Brigadier General and officers of Magdalo Group

    TFC this morning showing the famous Magdalo group, from 2003, holed up in the Peninsular hotel in Ayala avenue today, have been given until 3pm, to get out of the hotel and give themselves up.

    At least one senator and Brigadier General with troops armed with M16's are guarding the peninsular hotel where they are holding a press conference, calling for the usual resignation of PGMA.

    SWAT teams and PNP are outside ready to storm the building, but so far nothing has transpired, they are calling for PGMA to step down and resign, and complaining about corruption in government.

    From Philstar:

    MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Well-dressed guests were eating in ritzy restaurants at the Makati Peninsula hotel when dozens of uniformed soldiers burst in this morning, took over the building and sent the patrons fleeing.

    Talk about deja vu.

    Four years after disgruntled troops, led by a charismatic young navy lieutenant, seized a Manila hotel in a daylong uprising, the same men walked out of their trial over the incident and barged into another hotel to again press their demands for President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to resign.

    Hundreds of guests were soon scrambling to vacate rooms as security forces surrounded the Peninsula in the rain.

    "I lived here for four years, so I understand the way it is," said Tom Collins of Honolulu, who flew in for a wedding at the hotel. "It's just an inconvenience. I don't think this was handled well."

    Coup plots are nothing new in the Philippines. In the years since democracy was restored in 1986, there have been some half dozen failed attempts by soldiers to seize power from democratically elected governments. Arroyo, who came to power in 2001 in the Philippines' second "people power" revolt, has faced down at least three efforts to unseat her.

    Each time, confidence in the country's economy and its image as a stable democracy have been eroded.

    "When they see something like this, people will not come here," said businessman Peter Randel, from Sydney, Australia. "My friends were coming but guess they won't come here any more."

    The Peninsula management said 310 out of the 497 rooms were occupied before the drama began.

    About 200 guests led the massive check-out, lining up in the reception area with hastily packed bags. Some carried their clothes in plastic bags.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Live on CNN....isn't this fun.....seems about as organised as a Yankee SWAT
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    It's ok...

    As expected they surrendered...

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Shame about the Peninsular's elegant doorway getting smashed in by an APC, no doubt government will pick up the bill for the refurbishment.

    Trillianes got the publicity he required by having the media inside before the event started, quite dramatic, BBC had full coverage of whole event with sub editor of the Manila Bulletin on the phone explaining it all.

    Expat Michael White also doing some xplaining from his office in Makati.

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    that was the latest news brought to u by the Philippines..

  6. #6
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    This is my only source of any news from the Phils. Thanks for the post.

  7. #7
    Member cassie's Avatar
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    nothing happen?

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Curfews are now imposed from 12midnight to 5 in the morning..

    I hope this won't be the next coup d' etat..:(

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Sorry about the crappy pictures.

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Who is paying to have the hotel cleansed? You can leave the gas residue on the walls, bedding, bath, etc......and they bunged a lot in.

    Wouldn't it be more fun for British politics if Cameron took over the Ritz?
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    I heard that Trillianes is responsible for that.

  13. #13
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    I'm currently recording the news. I'm thinking of uploading it later at Mediafire, for people to be able to download and play it. Any other suggestions (NO YOUTUBE, PLEASE)?

  14. #14
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    174 MB (182,693,888 bytes) is the file size of the video.

  15. #15
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    BTW, this video is much clearer than the posted pictures.

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Government forces dealt with the whole situation very professionally.
    The journalists there acted like a bunch of naive ***** and were arrested quite rightly after the event.
    Perhaps if they had not been between the army and the conspirators the two traitors would have been shot along with their rebel soldiers ..
    Shame really as it was a wasted opportunity.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All politicians are traitors, they do not serve the people.
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    All politicians are traitors, they do not serve the people.
    Not all. Maybe most?

    My brother is a government official, so is my uncle. They seem to have helped their people.

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    They had to leave at 3pm did they arrange late check out then

    A lesson to all us Brits do keep an eye on the media when in phill.

    In the five times i have been out there has been bombings at manila bus station, a hijack of a coach in manila. So best to keep aware and let family back here in the UK know where you are exactly to save them worry.
    As news from the Phillipines always seems to be patchy on the main british news channels which seems strange considering the amount of people in the UK with links to the country.
    Possibly giving them a link to this website which has more coverage than most british based sites

  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Government forces dealt with the whole situation very professionally.
    The journalists there acted like a bunch of naive ***** and were arrested quite rightly after the event.
    Perhaps if they had not been between the army and the conspirators the two traitors would have been shot along with their rebel soldiers ..
    Shame really as it was a wasted opportunity.

    I remeber that when the coach with the school children was hijacked back in march the media was very unprofessional and got in the way. I guess they are all desperate for the big break and i can't really blame them.

    I guess the Goverment and the police need to toughen their attitude to the media, but then they look like they are trying to clamp down on free media i guess its easier said than done.

  21. #21
    Member Juana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenbeltboy View Post
    Not all. Maybe most?

    My brother is a government official, so is my uncle. They seem to have helped their people.
    SEEM??? Isn't that what they are showing to the public?? To make it look like they're helping people. Not convincing enough i'm afraid.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Government forces dealt with the whole situation very professionally.

    What I saw was that the military were totally out of control spraying live machine gun fire into a hotel lobby.
    In contrast the rebels who were not a physical threat to anybody behaved with compassion and dignity.
    I in no way support or sympathize with their cause but surely they have the right to voice their opinions?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    SEEM??? Isn't that what they are showing to the public?? To make it look like they're helping people. Not convincing enough i'm afraid.
    Okay, I don't mean to brag, but my brother is the mayor of our town (soon to be city). Before, we didn't have much businesses/investors around, but now, we already have 2 malls, and a lot more businesses in this town.

    So, that means, more investors/businesses in a town = more jobs for people who live in the area.

  24. #24
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    What I saw was that the military were totally out of control spraying live machine gun fire into a hotel lobby.
    In contrast the rebels who were not a physical threat to anybody behaved with compassion and dignity.
    I in no way support or sympathize with their cause but surely they have the right to voice their opinions?
    The rebels inside were carrying M16`s so how else do you expect the army to enter the lobby to serve papers(as they were ordered) to the criminals inside?
    In a democratic society there are many political forums available to "voice an opinion".
    Holing up in a civilian building and hiding behind journalists whilst threatening intention to overthrow the government is obviously TREASON.
    The army treated these cowardly traitors with kid gloves..
    There are many other countries that I could mention that would not be that considerate..

  25. #25
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Oh well at least I might get a big discount when I check in next Thursday, makes a change from the piano music entertainment in the lounge, seriously though it is a real shame that these events do hamper the tourist and economic recovery of the country and again ordinary filipinos suffer the long term consequences.

  26. #26
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    For those who have stayed at the peninsular, its popular with foreigners, although more expensive than some of the other 1st class hotels, its a shame they chose this one to hold it up.

    Since it has a nice lobby and as Scott says, nice piano music on entry, I love hotel lobby's and its a shame this one was left in such a mess, but i am sure in time it will be put back the way it was.

    I have to say in all the times during our courtship we stayed at the Peninsular we always felt as though the hotel was the best place in Manila, but then as my wife points out, after we got married, our hotel grade went down slightly ? Aberdeen Court Hotel ? hehehehehehe

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    .... after we got married, our hotel grade went down slightly ? Aberdeen Court Hotel ? hehehehehehe
    I remember the honeymoon

    (Note: I was not stalking them)
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
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    Hi Guys

    Seems the Peninsula has just been downgraded from 6 star to 1 star. Its closed completely right now.

    Well, blimey Charlie, we landed in Manila on Thursday morning, and it seems we arrived just in time for all this nonsense. We stayed at the Citadel Inn, but we watched everything on ANC in sheer disbelief. Elsa was actually walking down Makati Ave to get to HSBC when she heard all the gunshots - scary.

    Seems the Army used gentle tactics to get these idiots out of the hotel - a tank thru' the front door and tear gas in the lobby.

    We've now escaped to the calm and quiet here in Tacloban. Hooray!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Hi Guys

    Seems the Peninsula has just been downgraded from 6 star to 1 star. Its closed completely right now.

    Well, blimey Charlie, we landed in Manila on Thursday morning, and it seems we arrived just in time for all this nonsense. We stayed at the Citadel Inn, but we watched everything on ANC in sheer disbelief. Elsa was actually walking down Makati Ave to get to HSBC when she heard all the gunshots - scary.

    Seems the Army used gentle tactics to get these idiots out of the hotel - a tank thru' the front door and tear gas in the lobby.

    We've now escaped to the calm and quiet here in Tacloban. Hooray!
    Nearly midnight and he's still up and about....

    Here boyo, got something for you....

    Looks like Lottie misses you so much...

    Have a nice vacation


  30. #30
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    It was on the paper today, I read it at work. Philippines is in the news again.

    Well done nuisance...Keep it coming
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

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