U.S. First Lady is at Mulberry School for Girls as part of campaign to make girls' education 'urgent economic issue'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz3dF2iHI1N
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Horrible disgraced Aussie PM Gillard was there for a fee – if this was a white school there would have been an outrage. What makes me puke is that a few months ago a glum looking Obama was bigging it up about the Nigerian Schoolgirls (who were in Education) being kidnapped by muslim extremists, remember all the pictures of her holding up a sign
She's gone all silent on that one now, looks like all the US could do is hold up soppy signs.
What has all this girls education business got to do with the UK anyway ? All British girls are educated. I'm surprised William Hague hasn't jumped on this one - he's the bloke for "Female Rights" poncing about wasting taxpayers money with Angelina Jolie & so forth