Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
As the title says....... there's only one more question to answer and then the aplication form is ready to send...

1.50 Name of Employer .......... done!
1.51 Address of Employer ........ done!
1.52 Address of Tax Office or Tax Refference ????

What are they wanting in this answer?

Is it the tax office / reference regarding the employer or the local HMRC tax office to where we live?

They need the HMRC Tax Office handling the Employers PAYE Scheme.
The PAYE Tax reference should appear on the payslips.

Under Tax Ref it'll look something like this:-

The first 3 numbers before the forward slash are for the specific HMRC tax office that deals with your employers PAYE scheme.
The digits after the forward slash is the employers specific PAYE ref. If it's not shown on the payslip contact the employers payroll dept and they will tell you.