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Thread: relocating to the UK

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scott&ligaya relocating to the UK 30th November 2007, 00:54
kimmi hi Scott&Ligaya, welcome to... 30th November 2007, 02:09
ginapeterb Hello Scott, my name is Pete... 30th November 2007, 09:01
scott&ligaya relocating to the uk 30th November 2007, 13:49
ginapeterb Hi Scott once again, glad the... 30th November 2007, 15:24
KeithD What Intro? Do we send one?... 30th November 2007, 15:33
scott&ligaya Thanks again, ... 30th November 2007, 15:43
silver13 hello to both of you,... 30th November 2007, 16:27
ginapeterb Scott, It could be a... 30th November 2007, 22:10
scott&ligaya Thanks again Pete, I may need... 1st December 2007, 13:06
scott&ligaya Wow we got Ligaya's... 8th January 2008, 15:13
ginapeterb Glad that happened for you... 8th January 2008, 15:38
kimmi Congratulation Scott and... 9th January 2008, 12:33
scott&ligaya still on cloud nine 9th January 2008, 15:54
scott&ligaya it's cold and wet!!! 20th January 2008, 19:51
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  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Thanks again,
    I originally working here for a UK company but on a HK contract arranged through their group office in HK. I have been working for the past year and a half for a UK based consultancy but for their Asia Pacific Office. I will joining a UK company in mid Jan and plan to rent a house immediately so by the time Ligaya and our baby come over in say beginning of April I can show I have a permanent role and housing in the UK. The problem is when she applies I will only have been working in the UK for a month or so with no history for three and half years before. Any thoughts on this issue?

  2. #2
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    hello to both of you, probably my future neighbour here I came from Pangasinan also, same province as ur wife
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Thanks again,
    I originally working here for a UK company but on a HK contract arranged through their group office in HK. I have been working for the past year and a half for a UK based consultancy but for their Asia Pacific Office. I will joining a UK company in mid Jan and plan to rent a house immediately so by the time Ligaya and our baby come over in say beginning of April I can show I have a permanent role and housing in the UK. The problem is when she applies I will only have been working in the UK for a month or so with no history for three and half years before. Any thoughts on this issue?

    It could be a problem for you, but you say only 1 year half out of the country, is that a temporary posting by your UK company, then it shouldn't make any difference, you would need to have a house, and a stable income in UK, and links with UK for your wife to qualify.

    The only issue I see is that if the entry clearance officer decides to get picky about your status in the UK, the rules are very clear, you must be presently settled in the UK, I,m sure you qualify on that score, I am just maybe flagging a concern for you, but less than 2 years should be ok.

    Sometimes if you have been out of the UK but your marriage is more than 3 years old, or your relationship, as marriage is not the overriding factor in Gordon Browns Politically correct society, BTW I said, your wife may just be issued with a returning residents visa, this may may mean that she might not have to qualify for the 24 months temporary resident status, she may be able to proceed straight to indefinite live to remain.

    I must say though that you need to show your last 6 months bank statements and must not in any circumstances be in the red, you must also show your last 3 months payslips or salary credits.

    I assume you have been reading my website information, and that is a must if you want to be fully clear on what you must do.

    Any breaks in your employment status must be explained, my advice is to draft a covering letter to the ECO and include the letter in your wife's application explaining your move back to UK, and your permanent job situation, also perhaps its good advice to draft an excel document of your income and outgoings, in this you can explain that you have enough residual income from your excel work sheet to more than take care of your wife and child in the UK.

    I'm not saying you have to do all this, but very often a break down of your income and expenditure may have a positive effect on your wife's application, the onus here is to meet the rules.

    The rules are clear and are interpreted by entry clearance officers, as long as you meet the rules and can comply with them, your wife should have no difficulty in obtaining full entry clearance.

    I hope this helps.

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