Its a difficult one Steve, everyone will react differently, I would guess those with their Kids with them will naturally want to get back home, those who are there as a couple or single would probably be in the majority of wanting to stay, i guess that place must be one of the safest places to be right now, however if i were there i would think i would NOT be entirely relaxed, so i think i would probably be amongst those that wanted to return.
This is a growing Terrorist Threat with the rising of ISIS, they are a fanatical group, who want to spread Fear & Death amongst Christians of whatever Country or Faith, i dont for one minute claim to understand what there particular brand of religion believes in, but what little i do see leads me to believe anyone who does NOT follow their sect is an enemy of Allah, even fellow Muslims. They seem to believe in a Brand of religion which goes back to the Dark ages, and I,m afraid their is only one answer to their Hate & Barbarism, and that is to NOT pussyfoot around with them.