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Thread: Very Cheap Phone Calls 1p per Minute?

  1. #1
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    Very Cheap Phone Calls 1p per Minute?

    I've been trying Teletop. It seems to work. You call a premium number and it gives you £1.50. Then you call a London number and get calls for 1p per minute. so far for my £1.50 I have had over 60 minutes of calls. But I have not had a chance to check my bills yet to make sure it is not a rip off. Anyone else tried it? The web address is:

    Just as well as Mae spent the entire hour talking about her recent mugging. Its very hard to get a word in . . .


  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    We use it or something very similar and our bills are very low done nothing scientific but basically see the 1.50 charges on bill (bT) and no other charges.

    The service seems to be ok for a LD cheapo line i think the missus as only been cut off a few times or had resaon to redial which is pretty good going considing the amount she uses the phone to phill. This is important as you know as the 5p connection fee uses up your credit amount if your not careful.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and is it 1p a min, i think its a mistake? why would it be 1p to a mob and 4.5p to a land line ??

    0208 ? is that charged at local rate ?

    the number you dial might not be at the local rate, and even if it is, you still have to pay that, unless you've got free evenings and weekend calls package ?

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    does sound a bit strange 0208 joe is a outer london area number, as far as i know it can only cost what a normal cal to london costs you. ie 0161 for some strange town up norf.

    We also use a similar number it uses an 08 number which as far as my phone bill says its free.

  5. #5
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    0208 should be free for me - but I will check when I get the bill. It does indeed seem to be 1p for mobiles and 4.5p for landlines - ifr its a mistake use it while you can!


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