If you use hijack this post the file on here i have helped mates loads of times using it.

I know now is not the time but this is why its best to make a ghost disk while over there and instructions on how to load with the IT savvy realtives or friends.

Also make sure you set up various users and don't allow people to log in with admin rights.

When last time when i was over in phill my Wifes younger sister was doing her uni work and a usb stick used on her college pcs had a number of viruses which thankfully the av picked up straight away.
You can use online av panda and kaspersky amongst others which are also very good.

The kids that use the pc is in phill are now forbidden from downloading anything i don't approve of as they felt they had to have manga screensavers and whatever they now know they need to keep it with a black background and only download approved stuff otherwise there will be trouble. If they want to muck about on pcs or play games they go to the web cafe the few pounds a week it adds to the money send over is far cheaper than the problems in not being able to chat to phill for free.

I hope you sort it out soon Dom