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    Respected Member Marwin08's Avatar
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    Cool Qualities of a filipina

    What qualities of a filipina that british guy loved most

  2. #2
    Respected Member stuartfarm's Avatar
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    Sense of humour

    And dark skin of course !!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    What qualities of a filipina that british guy loved most
    F unloving
    I intelligent
    L oving
    I mpressive
    P olite
    I mpulsive
    N aughty
    A ttractive
    (it was on a t-shirt, but how appropriate)
    And a lot of other nice things which do not apply to western women.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    very well said Dom..Fiance agrees with u too!

    and that's wot makes me proud to be a filipina..

  5. #5
    Respected Member stuartfarm's Avatar
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    Polite , yeah I forgot that one

    Filipina girls are so polite , my gf ( wife to be ) always phone me and asks my permission to go out with her friends . Imagine a western woman doing that !!

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuartfarm View Post
    Polite , yeah I forgot that one

    Filipina girls are so polite , my gf ( wife to be ) always phone me and asks my permission to go out with her friends . Imagine a western woman doing that !!
    thats nothing, i've got a very good friend in Macau, and she used to ask permission to do anything, even breathe .. you can be too polite

  7. #7
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    thats nothing, i've got a very good friend in Macau, and she used to ask permission to do anything, even breathe .. you can be too polite

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mach View Post
    mach, you made it to Iceland then , b4 scouser keith gets in with the joke, no not the chain store but the country

    you must be

    it be like your summer, here in the uk now

    oh my missus, climbing up a 30+ft ladder to clean the gutters out... fearless like me dog

  9. #9
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    mach, you made it to Iceland then , b4 scouser keith gets in with the joke, no not the chain store but the country

    you must be

    it be like your summer, here in the uk now

    oh my missus, climbing up a 30+ft ladder to clean the gutters out... fearless like me dog
    hi joe! i've been here for 3 weeks already. still adjusting to the d@rn weather. when i arrived here it was around 6 degrees Centigrade & was complaining to my bana it's too now it's even worst. it's been very windy and -2. i think i'm going insane

  10. #10
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    For me it is the thoughtfulness, smile, simple pleasures she gets from stuff I forgot was how much fun and buckets of common sense, again makes my so called tertiary education seem worthless. Oh yeah and her ability to use two mobile phones at once and pick stuff up with her feet!!

  11. #11
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    Talking 10 out of 10 . . . listening 1 out of 10 . . . but I love listening to Mae, so thats OK!!

    Loyalty, kindness, thoughtfullness also come pretty high up.

    But I don't really like reading things like "a lot of other nice things which do not apply to western women". I know a lot of lovely western women too - and be careful because you are criticising our Mums and sisters!!


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post

    But I don't really like reading things like "a lot of other nice things which do not apply to western women". I know a lot of lovely western women too - and be careful because you are criticising our Mums and sisters!!

    Point taken onboard, and agree to the extent of re-phrasing it slightly.

    ""A lot of nice things which do not apply to "many" western women""

    Not forgetting that the times have changed, and family values in the west have eroded to near extinction.

    How often do you think, apart from sunday "roast", people in the Uk actually sit at the table for lunch or dinner...??? As a family...?
    I can only imagine the 50+ or retired people that haven't had the misfortune of being divorced. Or families in the more remote areas, where TV reception is bad and the parents cannot afford computers and game consoles for the kids.
    I might be wrong, but somehow I haven't seen armies of teen single mothers on the waiting list for a council house, anywhere else but the west... and getting them on benefits... Mine and your taxes...
    Whereas in the East the family unit takes care of them.
    Dammit... ranting again... sorry boss.....

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    ........but most of all she has a beautiful heart
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  15. #15
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    and most of all
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Don't you mean

    W Washing
    I Ironing
    F F***ing
    E Etc

  17. #17
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    No seriously, I accept both arguments. You can see plenty of unpleasant young women in the UK/ West and no doubt there are nice ones, but on the whole Filipinas are far nicer. All those that I've met are the most friendly and charming girls you could ever meet. They don't go out getting legless every weekend, sleeping with everyone they meet, giving blokes who don't meet their standards a "in your dreams mate!".

    Many of us have bitter ex-wives who've taken our houses/ kids/ money and naturally feel resentful. My Filipina is everything my ex wife was not. She's beautiful, slim, intelligent, honest, kind, never argues (which doesn't mean I walk all over her, we just get along so well). She really is a dream come true and I know many of you feel the same way about your own Filipina.

    I guess it's like if you've had a crap British car (Allegro/ Montego/ Rover 214??) and now you're loving your Mercedes/ BMW/ Porsche and so you **** off all British cars now.

    All I know is that my Filipina wife is better than ANY British girl I've ever known.

  18. #18
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    "A lot of nice things which do not apply to "many" western women"

    Not forgetting that the times have changed, and family values in the west have eroded to near extinction.

    How often do you think, apart from sunday "roast", people in the Uk actually sit at the table for lunch or dinner...??? As a family...?"
    I am sure that you don't mean to imply that this is all the fault of western women? Even if I agreed with what you said, I would have thought quite a lot of it was down to western men. Take me - I'm just about to get divorced for the second time. Both times from Thai women. What part did western women have to play in my downfall?!!!

    I am really proud to say all sorts of wonderful things about filipino or Thai women. But I will not take part on what is effectively stereotyping of western women. As I said, I know lots and lots of wonderful western women - including my Mum!


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    I am sure that you don't mean to imply that this is all the fault of western women? Even if I agreed with what you said, I would have thought quite a lot of it was down to western men. . As I said, I know lots and lots of wonderful western women - including my Mum!

    Never classed it as stereotyping of western women.

    It is the pressure of nowadays life style that affects the west more than the east. And yes it is the men too that are involved in it just as much.
    The lack of morals in both, the promiscuity..
    The sexualization of children by fashion houses, creating lines that don't leave much to cover.
    The silly laws relating to drinking age, smoking age.. etc.
    Divorce being too easily available doesn't help.
    And how come that the bloke doesn't normally get custody of the kids ...?
    And on the ex say so, doesn't get a whiff of access to the kids...? I am ranting now.......... Dammit

  20. #20
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ok Jaywin 07 to answer your question, what do i like most in the Filipina...

    Well basing this on Miss Gina it goes like this....

    1. Slightly dark skin and gorgeous jet black hair.

    2. Fluttering Eyelids.

    3. Bright Smiles

    4. Great Kisses

    5. Naughty when needs to be.

    6. Honest in all things.

    7. Faithful for all time.

    8. Attentive in all things.

    9. True Friend for Life.

    10. Never has headache and never reklamo when husband has needs.

    11. Immaculately clean

    12. Smells beautiful.

    13. Always proud of their husband.

    14. Easy to Please.

    15. Nothing too much trouble.

    16. Very Malambing.

    17. Works hard in relationship.

    18. Good with money.

    The list is endless but for now this kind of demonstrates my feelings on the matter and finally.

    With a Filipina you get the full extra's package.

  21. #21
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    My relationship with my Vimvie is harmonious!!
    The relationship I had with my British ex girlfriend was like, she was like "do as I say or I'm leaving you!!" hahahahahaha and she did leave me too!! hahahahaha

    Awww I'm so, so happy I've met Vimvie! I met her on yahoo messenger, in a chat room thingy, we just talked for a long time and I fell in love with her, I'm 35 and she is 18, but I can't help who I fall in love with!! hahahahaha

    Cradle snatcher! - Your voice! hahahahahaha

  22. #22
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    My relationship with my Vimvie is harmonious!!
    The relationship I had with my British ex girlfriend was like, she was like "do as I say or I'm leaving you!!" hahahahahaha and she did leave me too!! hahahahaha

    Awww I'm so, so happy I've met Vimvie! I met her on yahoo messenger, in a chat room thingy, we just talked for a long time and I fell in love with her, I'm 35 and she is 18, but I can't help who I fall in love with!! hahahahaha

    Cradle snatcher! - Your voice! hahahahahaha
    The only thing you have to worry about Nigel is when you take a bus together, and the driver says, its only half fare for the child, this actually happened to a former member of this forum.

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    The only thing you have to worry about Nigel is when you take a bus together, and the driver says, its only half fare for the child, this actually happened to a former member of this forum.
    It still happens to our friend, especially during school term
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    one of the good things about my wife is she's not much bigger than our 7yr old daughter, so they wear each others clothes sometimes.. but it don't seem right my wife wearing barbie PJ's , but as long as it saves money, i'm

  25. #25
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Yes I know what you mean, but fortunately Vimvie is quite tall, so we don't look ridiculous together! Phew! hahahaha

  26. #26
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    "The only thing you have to worry about Nigel is when you take a bus together, and the driver says, its only half fare for the child, this actually happened to a former member of this forum."

    My (Thai) wife once decided to fill up the car with petrol while I was teaching her to drive. The pump wouldn't work and I got called over by the attendant. "Sorry sir, but you have to be over 16 to use the pumps."

    But please, I know this is a light hearted forum, but if we stereotyped another race the way people are slating western women just because they have had a bad relationship or met a bad one we would be accused of racism.

    The fact is that most filipino women (and Thais!) are lovely, but there are good and bad in all races. And given my gf's recent mugging, it is hard to take the moral high ground and say that all in the Philippines is rosy!


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    What qualities of a filipina that british guy loved most
    Hi ate,

    For me love trust and understanding....


  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    But please, I know this is a light hearted forum, but if we stereotyped another race the way people are slating western women just because they have had a bad relationship or met a bad one we would be accused of racism.
    British women WANT WANT WANT.......and yet wish to work LESS. FACT, look at the Business Institute stats & the size of the debt in this country compared to the Philippines. Nothing to do with past relationships, it the way society here is now......PLUS...Filipina's have morals, not many English ladies do these days, they would happily walk over you to get something they want.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    British women WANT WANT WANT.......and yet wish to work LESS. FACT, look at the Business Institute stats & the size of the debt in this country compared to the Philippines. Nothing to do with past relationships, it the way society here is now......PLUS...Filipina's have morals, not many English ladies do these days, they would happily walk over you to get something they want.
    Good grief, Keith, who have you been hanging around with??? "Not many English ladies have morals." I'll go to any local charity or youth group and tell them that then! Judging from my work experience I find it hard to relate to anyone saying that British women work less hard than anyone else. In fact the opposite seems to be the case.

    How does Britain rate in terms of the percentage of women in work? I thought it was quite high? And please don't tell me that, to compensate, the men do a fair share of the housework because it isn't true! Western women are expected to hold down a job, raise a family, cook, and clean the house. A tough job by any standards!


  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Good grief, Keith, who have you been hanging around with??? "Not many English ladies have morals." I'll go to any local charity or youth group and tell them that then! Judging from my work experience I find it hard to relate to anyone saying that British women work less hard than anyone else. In fact the opposite seems to be the case.

    How does Britain rate in terms of the percentage of women in work? I thought it was quite high? And please don't tell me that, to compensate, the men do a fair share of the housework because it isn't true! Western women are expected to hold down a job, raise a family, cook, and clean the house. A tough job by any standards!

    What a load of twaddle, have you actually lived in the real world from smackheads to posh folk? Have you been around many companies, and spoke to management? Have you spoken to the medical folk in charge about the British female nurses compared to Filipino's? Have you managed a lot of women in your time?

    The majority are just downright lazy, and want more money for doing as little as they can get away with. Why do you think big companies when they are taken over by private equity or new chairmen suddenly announce large job cuts? Because they know that the staff are under performing and they can get the same amount of work done with 2,000 less staff.

    Then the plonkers go out on stirke when they realise that they will then have to work for there wages.

    In the civil service it takes around 3 people to make the coffee!!
    One to order the coffee, sugar, etc
    One to maintain the machine
    One to get the drinks

    In the small business world that keeps this country running we use a kettle and make it our selves.

    Ask Pete about his taxes supporting 13 month maternity leave , when I do not no any Filipino's who take more than 6 weeks.
    Keith - Administrator

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