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Thread: Qualities of a filipina

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Helps if you all read the points I make!!! Too lazy to comprehend what I am saying.....bloody English men

    and they can have another 6 months off UNPAID
    One example: Who the hell mentiones anything about the pay? I was on about the time off, yes they are entitled to it by law, but if you have the morals to support your company, which you should have as they are good enough to employ you, then you should help them out. Thousands of small businesses are crippled by women doing this, and they know full well it buggers the company, but they can't be sacked. As I said, I know of not one Filipino who has taken the full year off, yet most British women who get pregnant take at least 6 months.

    If you want to look after the baby, get a work from home job, plenty of them these days, show some responsibility to the company you work for.

    PS. Look up the meaning of the word 'majority'
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Theres 2 characteristics of women

    Their born to be bitches if not innocent. There everywhere, in every corner of the

    Not all men are lucky enough to have a lovely filipina and nor all of men are unlucky to have a british partners.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'm not sure if i'm english or not , i can't remember who said 'just because a dog is born in a stable doesn't make it a horse'...

    well, its a catch 22, if the mom stays at home for the extra 6 months she gets no pay, her employer will have to employ someone to cover her year off, her employer is not out of pocket,with all the eastern euros here, you shouldn't have a problem doing that, and she will not need to pay a child minder.

    on the other side, if she goes back to work after the 6 months, her employer only needs to find someone to cover the 6 months, but after that she may be able to claim, and even have to claim childcare element of working tax creds to pay for the child care, i know near me its £125 a week, but that could be alot more in many places.. so her working could infact cost the tax payer more..

    what about morals to pay women decent and equal pay and working conditions, theydon't pay you for nothing, they pay you for the work you do, like wise. its give and take from employer and employee, small business can employ someone else for 6 months or a year, it doesn't cost them anything, just the time it takes to fill the role and training if any.. what do you want to do sack them because thier pregnant or have had a baby ? how about a bit of support from the employer or company for all the years they worked for them, works both ways.. and as my boss said 2 wks ago to 3 people i work with, its not personal, its just business as he gave them thier p45's. business and morals .

    my wife was back at work in less than 6wks and she had a caesarean. she went back to work because we needed the money, and her employer the NHs wanted to worm thier way out of giving her the job when she found out she was pregnant . filipina's my wife knows, most are nurses on work permit, and she knows a few, and they have to work, thier not entitled to the childcare element of tax creds, even thou they been and worked here for years, so their husband or wife has to find a job where one works in the day time and the other works thru the night, so they don't have to pay £500-600 a month child care.. and i think even thou europeans can claim it after 1 year of working here

  4. #4
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    After I got divorced, I promised myself I would live it up a little....
    Coming out of a 22 years marriage, without even a second pair of shoes was bad, don't wish it on anybody.
    Started working long hours to make sure that my VOLUNTARY C.S.A monthly payments went in ok, without delay.
    I started, after a while, dating again, a bit rusty, but I was pulling alright... None of the "nice" women I met were, in my opinion, commitment material and I felt let down, because I was, then, looking for a relationship of sorts.
    I swore to myself never to marry again.
    I started taking my holidays abroad, sometime on my own, sometime with the kids in tow.
    But Europe started to look boring.
    During my working life I traveled extensively all over the world, and so, one year, I decided to have a couple of weeks in Bali... Call it memory lane.
    The place gets bombed, so i change the tickets to Davao, and go and meet a so called friend. Well, she was a scammer, so I spent a few more bob, while there to go to Cebu.
    Without looking or searching for anything but a holiday, I met the most beautiful and decent, mild mannered, hard working, soft spoken Pinay, but absolutely NOT submissive or servile..... Jet.
    A couple of months later, I took 2 more weeks, unpaid holiday, to check out wether what I was feeling for her, was mutual. It was.
    I asked her to be my wife, I was really flattered she accepted.
    To cut a long story short, I had my fill of "white" women in general.
    I find the vast majority of them, fat arsed, vicious, bitter, lazy, stuck up, and ready to give it away for a pint of cider, or a bottle of bacardi breezer. With the morals of an alley cat but more promiscuous.
    It's ok for your ex, to fetch different blokes home, with the kids sleeping in the next room...
    But if you try to do the same with your girlfriend, or present wife all hell breaks loose....
    I have seen my kids only once since Jet arrived on the 20th of september.

    Another thing.... We have 2 women working in our sales office... Looking at their Total sales for the year, they havent taken home £ 6000 gross yet.... Everybody else is on at least 22k already or more...
    We can't sack them, although they underperform week in and week out.
    God help us if they get knocked up....

    Why do I rant so much...?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh don't get me started on sales people

    why can't they be sacked ? if they don't make their sales target every month, they should be.. it comes with the job, just like if i take the , i should get the boot..

    sales people i've worked with, always got a good basic pay, most never bothered to learn about or master what they were selling, and always passed any problems with an order onto someone else

    but what i have noticed, those sales people who did sell a lot use to be guys, and maybe the reason was the purchaser he was talking to was a guy to, they were like friends, telling jokes, talking about getting drunk, about football, cars, women.. so most women in sales were at a disadvantage..

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