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Thread: Scotland would welcome 1000's of economic migrants from Mediterranean bum boats

  1. #1
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    Scotland would welcome 1000's of economic migrants from Mediterranean bum boats

    So says their crazed "Europe Minister" the indigenous sounding Humza Yousaf.

    The Prime Minister must urgently reconsider his position and opt into the EU-wide relocation scheme for migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean, Europe Minister Humza Yousaf said recently.

    Replace Hadrians Wall with a 21st century Berlin Wall complete with attack dogs, death strip, watchtowers etc and let 'em in

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thats great news, yes get it built quickly so they stay there too.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Thats great news, yes get it built quickly so they stay there too
    We can bring all the public sector jobs back down south - half of Livingstone work for HMRC

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Honestly ... I challenge anyone from South of the Border (or anywhere else) who belittles and/or underestimates Scotland's achievements - in ANY way - to delve into the history books ... and I think they'll find that our proud nation has, for centuries, led the field in a considerable number of technological discoveries that most other countries worldwide now take for granted.

    Moreover, loads of thriving businesses and industries purposely chose to relocate to these parts throughout much of the second half of the twentieth century ... and will doubtless continue in this vein as a consequence of last September's narrow defeat in the vote for Scottish independence.

    So, in point of fact, NO"crazed" European Immigration Minister - nor anyone else - should run away with the daft that the Scots will be any more amenable to accepting *migrants than the rest of its EU partners - unless *these people are prepared to work hard and, in turn, share in contributing to the economy of the UK as a whole.

  5. #5
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    A history to be proud of Arthur but the deluded SNP self servers in both Edinburgh & London are doing Scotland no favours whatsover - have you read what this clown Humza Yousaf said ? :-

    “We and our neighbours and friends across the EU have a moral obligation to offer a place of safety to these desperate people fleeing conflict and persecution.

    “It is hugely disappointing that the UK has chosen not to partake in the EU’s collective efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in danger.

    He's talking about hordes of economic migrant chancers who have abandoned their wives and children who the criminal EU are saying to - "if you get here (and we will ferry you) you can stay"

  6. #6
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    I am sick to the back teeth of people who by there ethnic origins were not native to the UK, calling for us to allow more and more of these people to settle here in the UK, the more that come here will increase the possibility of whats happened in Tunisia and elsewhere to happen here, these people have NO right Morally, Ethically or Ethnically whatsoever to be allowed to come and settle here, and the sooner Humza Yusaf and his cronies realise it the better. We are allowing ourselves to be dictated to by a minority of the population, and whenever someone stands up against this, they are instantly put down as being racist, I am NOT racist but i most certainly AM Nationalistic.
    Look and listen around you and see who walks our streets, the shape of our buildings, our heritage is being eroded slowly in some cases, but drastically in other instances, we are NO longer the Britain of our ancestors, the Britain that was fought for in many Wars and Millions lost there lives defending, I see Old Churches being bulldozed to the ground, to be replaced in many instances by Mosques, that alone surely tells what direction we are slowly heading, then we have the Halal slaughter Humane ? NO barbaric ? YES, but the religous leaders and Politicians allow it more and more to become part of OUR unwanted culture but what should concern us even more is listen to the voices around us, NO longer do we only hear the distinctive and different Dialects of the Scottish,Welsh,Irish,Geordie,Scouser,Cockney and other accents, but we hear every day different Languages that have NO Heritage within the UK, YES they are welcome to visit us as Tourists should THEY choose to do so, YES they are welcome to join there loved ones should they so wish, but as for MASS immigration by various Nationals from throughout the European Union, and to a lesser extent from Northern Africa,NO we dont need it in the UK, we can NO longer sustain it, and for those that come here from Calais and claim asylum, give them the option of settling in such as the Falklands or repatriating them to where they have come from.
    One final rant from me regarding the News we have been seeing and reading about coming from Tunisia over the past few days. How many Muslim Politicians, Imams, or leading figureheads have come out to condemn the slaughter of innocent British holiday makers ?. I HAVE YET TO READ OF JUST ONE, which leads me to believe that silently they appear to be supportive ? or at least NOT against the Barbaric acts being carried out in the name of there religion, remember Lee Rigby etc etc Now if i were to object to the wearing of Burkas or such like, there would be a massive outburst from these same silent people condemning me as being racist or anti this that or the other, I suggest these silent leaders stay in there bolt holes when there comes a time, that retribution is taken.

  7. #7
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    Well put Harry

    Our spineless, appeasing politicians have a lot to answer for. Is it any surprise that the UK has become a hot bed of extremism given the filth allowed in and the free rein given to hate preachers & mosques

  8. #8
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    Enjoy our beautiful serene and free country while it lasts.

    All too late now. Such a shame, considering how things could have been.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Honestly ... I challenge anyone from South of the Border (or anywhere else) who belittles and/or underestimates Scotland's achievements - in ANY way - to delve into the history books ... and I think they'll find that our proud nation has, for centuries, led the field in a considerable number of technological discoveries that most other countries worldwide now take for granted.

    Moreover, loads of thriving businesses and industries purposely chose to relocate to these parts throughout much of the second half of the twentieth century ... and will doubtless continue in this vein as a consequence of last September's narrow defeat in the vote for Scottish independence.

    So, in point of fact, NO"crazed" European Immigration Minister - nor anyone else - should run away with the daft that the Scots will be any more amenable to accepting *migrants than the rest of its EU partners - unless *these people are prepared to work hard and, in turn, share in contributing to the economy of the UK as a whole.
    Well said Arthur!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    I am sick to the back teeth of people who by there ethnic origins were not native to the UK, calling for us to allow more and more of these people to settle here in the UK, the more that come here will increase the possibility of whats happened in Tunisia and elsewhere to happen here, these people have NO right Morally, Ethically or Ethnically whatsoever to be allowed to come and settle here, and the sooner Humza Yusaf and his cronies realise it the better. We are allowing ourselves to be dictated to by a minority of the population, and whenever someone stands up against this, they are instantly put down as being racist, I am NOT racist but i most certainly AM Nationalistic.
    Look and listen around you and see who walks our streets, the shape of our buildings, our heritage is being eroded slowly in some cases, but drastically in other instances, we are NO longer the Britain of our ancestors, the Britain that was fought for in many Wars and Millions lost there lives defending, I see Old Churches being bulldozed to the ground, to be replaced in many instances by Mosques, that alone surely tells what direction we are slowly heading, then we have the Halal slaughter Humane ? NO barbaric ? YES, but the religous leaders and Politicians allow it more and more to become part of OUR unwanted culture but what should concern us even more is listen to the voices around us, NO longer do we only hear the distinctive and different Dialects of the Scottish,Welsh,Irish,Geordie,Scouser,Cockney and other accents, but we hear every day different Languages that have NO Heritage within the UK, YES they are welcome to visit us as Tourists should THEY choose to do so, YES they are welcome to join there loved ones should they so wish, but as for MASS immigration by various Nationals from throughout the European Union, and to a lesser extent from Northern Africa,NO we dont need it in the UK, we can NO longer sustain it, and for those that come here from Calais and claim asylum, give them the option of settling in such as the Falklands or repatriating them to where they have come from.
    One final rant from me regarding the News we have been seeing and reading about coming from Tunisia over the past few days. How many Muslim Politicians, Imams, or leading figureheads have come out to condemn the slaughter of innocent British holiday makers ?. I HAVE YET TO READ OF JUST ONE, which leads me to believe that silently they appear to be supportive ? or at least NOT against the Barbaric acts being carried out in the name of there religion, remember Lee Rigby etc etc Now if i were to object to the wearing of Burkas or such like, there would be a massive outburst from these same silent people condemning me as being racist or anti this that or the other, I suggest these silent leaders stay in there bolt holes when there comes a time, that retribution is taken.
    Well chosen words Harry, many people will agree with what you say

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    the English would still be in the Stone Age if it wasn't for the Scots,

    still be using candles if it wasn't for the Scots,

    and i'd bet you would miss ur tv,
    many of the things you take for granted today, you have the scots to thank for,

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    It seems that those who've never even set foot in this country yet have more rights here than us tax paying Brits.

    Gormless politicians have sold us down the river.

  13. #13
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    Very true...and a long time ago . That idiot 'Hooray Henry' Ted Heath for one.

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