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Thread: Americans leaving US in record numbers

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Americans leaving US in record numbers

    A very recent survey, taken just before the 4th of July indicates that 35% of American adults have considered leaving.

    Seems record numbers have done so already.
    There's also been a record number renouncing their residency/citizenship. Up 14% since last year.

    More here:-

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The US is in a terrible state.. I was a supporter of Obama before but can no longer take him seriously..
    Seems the Police are just driving by now and are afraid to leave their cars because of the PC brigade and ignoramus placard holding protesters playing the race card again and again.
    I`m not surprised the Americans want to leave.
    I can see big trouble ahead.

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