I sometimes think am i a snob? Dont get me wrong, i was brought up with lots of love but we did not have much of anything else, hand me downs lots of, a jumper or shirt had to last not just months but had to last from one son to the next and if possible the next after that. Shoes, well you just grew into your brothers too, but life was good.

Today in town there seems to be that many people around tattoos everywhere and that includes the women and all are puffing fags or these stupid pipe things, screaming at their kids and most are a little overweight, ok OK, FAT.

Maybe when my mum took all of us down into town other people may have looked at us all like i am looking at these people today, but i am sure in my younger days we were all the same - not many people had lots of things. But today the people that are around are just so different these days