Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
Cheers Ded, but I'm a returning customer and I'm happy with deal. Popcorn time is ok but it just streams torrent sites. If I want a movie I just download the best version with DTS. This can't be streamed as it's too high a bit rate. I mainly got it for the sport and although I can watch stuff the quality is crap. I want hi def for the ashes etc.

I can get anything off the net, but I missed the facility to record stuff, and now I can watch all the box sets too, so I'm happy at a quid a day
Thats fair enough Les like you say a quid a day for what you want. You can save Popcorn time vids (but you have to let them stream first) there's a PopcornTime Folder in your downloads file in that you'll find the films but unless you amend the settings on Popcorn Time it deletes the file when you close the program (un-check "clear tmp after closing app")