Originally Posted by
I do have an understanding why you think the way you do.
Don't entirely agree, but we're all unique individuals with different solutions.
I can't imagine feeling the lack of security you hint at and certainly don't intend to live my life with one eye looking over my shoulder. If I may ask, whereabouts in the Philippines have you stayed?
I make no effort to engage with any ex-pat community here in Davao City.
I have a few 'friends' to chat with now and then, but never socialise.
No offence intended here and maybe it's just my misinterpretation, but the Philippines does seem to attract some strange characters.
One guy who I got fairly close to, well close enough to consider inviting round to my house, recently passed away at 61 years young.
His son came over to the Philippines to organise the neededs.
Turns out his dad had been a chronic alcoholic for 40 years. Divorced 3 times and had squandered away the remains of his personal fortune.
At his funeral were 4 g/f's / partners and a good number of folks all owed significant sums of money.
I have to say he hid his secrets well.
I miss our conversations, I genuinely liked him and will only carry fond memories