Hasn't upset me in any way.
I live in the south, Davao City. According to a number of reports/surveys it's the 4th safest city in the world. If that's an accurate assessment or not I don't know.
Certainly feels safer than most large towns / cities in England that I've been to.
Health facilities here are very good IMO
I don't believe that "bloody awful" is anywhere near the appropriate description. My experience of the UK healthcare I experienced with my family and my parents did meet the "bloody awful" level. Perhaps we were unlucky.
Perhaps you were unlucky in the Philippines if indeed you actually experienced any.
Can't argue against the tropical weather issues. Especially if you decide upon living in a typhoon belt.
We don't have them here so it comes down to the choice of location really.
Bit like those flood plains in UK
One thing I do take a big issue with is the awful food.
My wife is an excellent cook. She owned and cooked in her own restaurant when we lived in Japan. She cooks wonderful dishes each and every day. To be honest we live like kings when it comes to daily food.
I'm not sure whether you're directing you comments at home cooked food or at food you've paid for in an eatery or restaurant.
I do agree that many of the so called traditional dishes here are really not the sort of stuff that would appeal to most westerners. Especially when prepared by folks who really don't understand how to cook and present.
I can't prove any of this. Don't know how to.
Like you I'm just giving a personal opinion.
My own experience is obviously very different to yours, but nonetheless surely has the same validity.
Most of the people in the countries I have visited think English food is awful just like the English weather.
It's a funny old world.
Sorry to disagree with most of the things you said.
No offence intended just giving my view.
The world can offer a retirement life to suit all. Comes down to choice.
We seriously considered Ecuador at one time.
In all honesty I always knew I'd not be living my final years in UK. I actually never considered the Philippines. It only seemed to figure on my list when I got married to my wife.
It wasn't my first choice, but I've no regrets.
Life is good
As a foodie I couldn't be happier. Especially with the variety of seafoods available at very low cost.
As an adventurer I couldn't be happier.
Diversity is the spice of life.
I hope you find the same fulfilment in your retirement