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Thread: Headaches From A Philippines' Perspective

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Headaches From A Philippines' Perspective

    Searching for new - & more varied - topics has become my wont these days. And, in so doing ... my attention happened to focus on the following article relating to an ailment that, all too commonly, afflicts the lives of many people worldwide:

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Cant read anything with external links at the moment Art...Internet slow today.

  3. #3
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    Surely if we drank 15 glasses of water a day we would spend most of the day in the cr

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Surely if we drank 15 glasses of water a day we would spend most of the day in the cr
    The needed daily requirement for a decent balance will obviously vary depending on the individual and such factors such as climate, physical activity and also age.

    The European Food Safety Authority states that:-

    Adequate total water intakes for females would have to be 2.0 L/day (P 95 3.1 L) and for males 2.5 L/day (P95 4.0 L). The Panel defines the same adequate intakes for the elderly as for adults. Despite a lower energy requirement, the water requirement in the elderly per unit of dietary energy becomes higher because of a decrease in renal concentrating capacity.
    Interesting stuff.
    If we said that the average glass of water is around 200ml then that equates to around 10-12 glasses per day

    My daily intake of water here in Davao City is significantly more than the EFSA indicator of 2.5 litres and really I don't find myself in the CR so often as to be an issue. Just normal really.

    Passing clear urine is a good sign that your body is in a good fluid balance.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The needed daily requirement for a decent balance will obviously vary depending on the individual and such factors such as climate, physical activity and also age.

    The European Food Safety Authority states that:-

    Interesting stuff.
    If we said that the average glass of water is around 200ml then that equates to around 10-12 glasses per day

    My daily intake of water here in Davao City is significantly more than the EFSA indicator of 2.5 litres and really I don't find myself in the CR so often as to be an issue. Just normal really.

    Passing clear urine is a good sign that your body is in a good fluid balance.
    True, water is life, nothing wrong with 15 glasses per day!

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