That is good advice!
It is vital that you ensure that you provide PRECISELY the information asked for - remember the advice you always received before taking school exams: "Read the question carefully, and answer it clearly!"
My fiancee has just received her UK Settlement Visa after having to go to Manila for an interview. Although she was understandably apprehensive about it, the Embassy Officer was perfectly courteous and pleasant.
He did not ask her any 'trick' questions (although there is no guarantee that other Officers may not do so), and his sole objective was clearly to establish to his satisfaction that our relationship was indeed genuine.
However, whilst waiting for her interview, she overheard another Officer shouting at a male applicant who clearly did not have an adequate grasp of English for the conduct of the interview. So, if your fiancee's English is a little weak, do not hesitate to ask for an interpreter (there is a place on the application form for this).
My fiancee was able to answer most of the questions put to her for the simple reason that we had spent many pleasurable hours chatting and discussing so many aspects of our respective lives and circumstances. So, no matter how 'love-struck' you may be, it is important that you get to know each other quiet well - and this must surely apply to ANY relationship which will become long-term.
I will be happy to share on other information on the procedure with anyone who feels it may help. My best wishes to all other VAF2 applicants!!