Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
Waiting in the line of traffic today and the inside lane is for buses only, signs are there and the camera is too.
An instant £30 fine and how many cars go into the lane.
The car in front of me and another car can wizzing past me too, I had to smile thinking thats cost them a packet.
What makes it funny is I managed to get through the traffic lights as quick as they did but cheaper

The one's that annoy me the most are the lazy motorists who will park anywhere regardless; bus stops, loading bays, disabled spaces etc

I know of a business who has a car park designated for staff and customers only but every Tom, Dick and Harry parks there to do their business elsewhere. Some even have the cheek to park in the disabled space and they're not even disabled.

While we're on the topic of bad drivers, I saw one of your lot pull out in his lorry yesterday from the hard shoulder onto the motorway on a GRADIENT. People behind him are doing 70mph and he's trundling along at 10mph.

Anyway, just seen a video of an argument between a bus driver and some motormouth about parking on a bus stop.