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Thread: need help please

  1. #1
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    need help please

    hi everyone,i'd like to ask few questions regarding my friend concern,her husband will not getting the carer allowance anymore,shes worried it might affect her flr(m)application next year.she didnt meet the financial requirements as her husband is under the husband is receiving a state and private pension..what she need to meet or any calculation of how much the amount they are receiving?is she still good for flr?sorry i ask about this,coz this is the only place i know could help me and my friend this kind of issues..thank you very much in advance.

  2. #2
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    Is she working ?

    I think they just need to meet the household gross income requirement (£18,600 if no kids)...between the two of them ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Sorry if I sound negative but your post sounds quite confusing...

    Thoso who are in receipt of carers allowance or DLA are not required to meet the financial requirement but must show an income equivalent to income support level or abovel regarding their status at time of application after mortgage/rent and council tax has been paid.

    Anything further I would be glad to help...

  4. #4
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Is she working ?

    I think they just need to meet the household gross income requirement (£18,600 if no kids)...between the two of them ?
    She's working but cash on hand,her husband is retired and have a depression history,when they applied for spouse visa they are exempted the £18,600 requirements,because of the husband condition,she's asking if still the same when she apply for flr? The reason why the carer allowance stopped coz the husband did not declare his private pension in the beginning,he just said about it when my friend already here in England..The amount of 2 pensions he get tentatively £650 a month.She is worried coz they don't know if this will affect her upcoming flr,they have 1 son by the way.

  5. #5
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Sorry if I sound negative but your post sounds quite confusing...

    Thoso who are in receipt of carers allowance or DLA are not required to meet the financial requirement but must show an income equivalent to income support level or abovel regarding their status at time of application after mortgage/rent and council tax has been paid.

    Anything further I would be glad to help...
    Sorry if I'm confusing,she just worried since the husband carer allowance stopped,if this affect for her flr application?
    Thank you for your input

  6. #6
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    You stated her husband is in receipt of DLA so the financial requirement does not have to be met regardless of whether carers allowance has stopped.

    The income support rate for a couple with 1 child is currently £181.75 per week 2015-2016 rates so that is what has to be shown after council tax and rent or mortgage has been deducted.

    Yes it is the same when she applies for FLR but the above figures have to be met also I suggest your friend finds a job which can actually be shown through the books as to say ie: salary slips showing the amount received and paid into an account.

    The word cash in hand sounds dubious at the least especially if this is not been declared.

    I don't wish to alarm your friend but this is my personal opinion as other will most likely add too also through the proper declaration of monies received her husband could also meet the criteria for Working Tax Credits ect to make up any shortfall.

    Please feel free to ask anything else if needed...

  7. #7
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    You stated her husband is in receipt of DLA so the financial requirement does not have to be met regardless of whether carers allowance has stopped.

    The income support rate for a couple with 1 child is currently £181.75 per week 2015-2016 rates so that is what has to be shown after council tax and rent or mortgage has been deducted.

    Yes it is the same when she applies for FLR but the above figures have to be met also I suggest your friend finds a job which can actually be shown through the books as to say ie: salary slips showing the amount received and paid into an account.

    The word cash in hand sounds dubious at the least especially if this is not been declared.

    I don't wish to alarm your friend but this is my personal opinion as other will most likely add too also through the proper declaration of monies received her husband could also meet the criteria for Working Tax Credits ect to make up any shortfall.

    Please feel free to ask anything else if needed...
    Thank you very much I'll tell my friend about this..

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