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Thread: Child settlement visa help and advice please!!!

  1. #1
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    Child settlement visa help and advice please!!!

    Hi Everyone,

    I need advice and help on applying for my daughter's visa. My daughter is 12 years old and is living with my parents in the Philippines. Unfortunately, my mother has been suffering from a high blood pressure and a fatty liver disease. My father just had a stroke last December and my sister and her husband who is living with my parents are now expecting a child after 7 years of not having one. To make the story short, there is no one else now that can look after my daughter properly.

    My daughter was granted a visit visa last year and stayed with us for a couple of months. I already have British Citizenship. I have been naturalized 2 years ago.

    My husband is self-employed and the gross income exceeds the £18,600. If it is the net income it is lower than £18,600. My friend told me that we only need to show that we have enough money for her maintenance and the £18,600 does not apply to her. Is this correct?

    Please anyone as well can help me on what forms and documents I need to submit? Applying for a visa is always been a difficult and overwhelming tasks for me. I tend to be so stress out just gathering documents and filing up the forms.

    Thanks to all the members of this forum for all your help and advice. I am very fortunate to have found this forum as the members are very knowledgeable and know what they are talking about.Thanks again. Hope anyone can give me a step by step advice and process on this one.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhen1230 View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I need advice and help on applying for my daughter's visa. My daughter is 12 years old and is living with my parents in the Philippines. Unfortunately, my mother has been suffering from a high blood pressure and a fatty liver disease. My father just had a stroke last December and my sister and her husband who is living with my parents are now expecting a child after 7 years of not having one. To make the story short, there is no one else now that can look after my daughter properly.

    My daughter was granted a visit visa last year and stayed with us for a couple of months. I already have British Citizenship. I have been naturalized 2 years ago.

    My husband is self-employed and the gross income exceeds the £18,600. If it is the net income it is lower than £18,600. My friend told me that we only need to show that we have enough money for her maintenance and the £18,600 does not apply to her. Is this correct?

    Please anyone as well can help me on what forms and documents I need to submit? Applying for a visa is always been a difficult and overwhelming tasks for me. I tend to be so stress out just gathering documents and filing up the forms.

    Thanks to all the members of this forum for all your help and advice. I am very fortunate to have found this forum as the members are very knowledgeable and know what they are talking about.Thanks again. Hope anyone can give me a step by step advice and process on this one.
    Sorry to be rude, but what is the main reason on why you wanted your daughter to be here in England? Is it because nobody is eligible to look after her properly in the Ph?
    for a start, you need to have ''sole responsibility of your child meaning''day to day'' activities and decision making , welfare of your child is your sole responsibility, schools/medical/parish/financial supports/chatlogs /calls etc.

    and lastly visit this link for more info :
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
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    hi Sars
    Thank you for the reply to my posts, I really appreciate it.sole responsibility for my daughter is not a problem in my case. I am confident that I can prove sole responsibility for my daughter's welfare.I have documents to prove that I have a day to day involvement in my daughter's life even though I live here in the U.K .Call logs,E-mail to her teachers,letters to the Principal of her School. I even went back to the Philippines to personally be with her to apply for her passport,( I have the copy of her passport application)I am the one who register her to the dentists and her doctor.I decide what school activities she can and cannot participate. Of course,all of this conversation are recorded in emails.I even send her a balikbayan box full of her clothes,shoes,hair accessories,etc. every six months and I make sure that it was recorded on the receipt.It was me who open her bank account in the Philippines too.
    Do you Think this is enough to prove sole responsibility?I have submitted all of this documents last year when she applied for a family visit visa.The ECO seems to be satisfied with the docs.I assume sole responsibility is not my main problem.
    I get very confused when my friend told me that my husband and I do not need to meet the financial requirement, we only need to prove that we have enough money for her maintenance.Is this correct?

    Thank you for your time.God Bless.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    HI Jhen

    You need to accomplish VAF4A-''Appoendix 1'' (Child of parents granted limited leave before 09 July 2012)
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
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    Thank's Sars. I really appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    I cannot find the info I need in the forum or where to add a new thread ,can you tell me which application form I need ,my filipino wife wants to try to bring her teenage son here to the UK.Thanks in Advance.

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