I am just trying to work out if its a good idea to try to get Ems a state pension, I have looked into the govt, website and its so hard and confusing, and once you get so far it says you must call.

So I am asking for any advice on here.

Ems has been working and paying Nat Insurance for just over 4 and a bit years, and we may stay for another 2 and a bit, so all in all she may have 7 years paid in. Now I have read that she will need 10 years, but on another site it says 15 years.

Can we pay in for the years she is not here just to make either the 10 or 15 and is it worth it? Is it better saving the money in the bank?

Remember Ems may never come back to England, but if there is something for her and she is entitled to it well it may be worth it.

Ems is the sort of person who is not bothered about this so that could be a problem in the future too if I am not around.

Thanks for reading and a BIGGER thankyou if you reply too.