Hello everybody, we are a British/Filipina married couple currently living in Hong Long/Palawan and San Nicolas Pangasinan(Ligaya;s home town) but we are relocating to the Birmingham area. I will arrive in mid Januaty to start work with my new company and sort out a house rental. Ligaya is currently nearly 6 mths pregnant with our 1st child and staying with her famly and being fussed over by the whole Barangay in the way only Filipinos can. She is 31 and we were told it would be only a very small chance of her concieving naturally due to previous medical condition so we are indeed blessed and she is like a kid with a new toy. I am 45 and cannot wait to be a dad again as I have a son nearly 18 already in the UK.

Ligaya has visited the UK before and worked for two months in Oxfordshire and stayed with me in Shropshire for a couple of weeks.

She will ave our baby at St Lukes in Manila an then join me here around Easter.

I want to surprise her and show how much I care for her by finding a friendship group for her, a filipino store for stinky stuff(you know what I mean) and find out if her church JIL has a chapter in the Midlands or even London.

It will be difficult for her without regular tong tong with other Illocanos/filipinas so hopefully I can do something in advance to help.

Bye for now