It seems Ireland have a similar problem to us, though on a smaller scale.

This stowaway doesnt know what country he is in, thats pretty obvious as he has been hiding, he has NO passport (how convenient) but he has NOT lost his Koran (Bible) these Muslims are simply to knowlegable about our systems, he wants to live in a Christian country, but wont be prepared to change to their ways of life. Their has to be a way of stopping these people from simply upping roots and emigrating to whatever Country takes their fancy.

Human rights ?, what about the Human rights of people who already live in these Countries, such as the UK, Ireland, USA and so on, i was watching Americas Got Talent last night, one of the shows entrants when asked where they were from these two guys replied in very broken english, they were from the Ukraine (Americas Got Talent) maybe we should rename all these shows to The Worlds Got Talent, then the show Title would be more apt.