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Thread: Looking younger when you are older

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Looking younger when you are older

    We are all heading into old age , some can manage it well some just fall at the first hurdle and some are not bothered and go from day to day,
    So what can we all do to look younger when infact we are older,
    Many say you have got to look after yourself , eat right and exercise too, but dont over do the exercising, ( how many people do you see running but look half dead ),
    Look after your skin, wash just with water or soap and all the face creams you can apply these days and most say they make you look younger (yer right ),
    Teeth , again its down to each of us to keep them clean and make regular appointments to see the dentist ,
    Hair, you either have some or have none, but what can be done about this, yes you keep it clean and cut too, but if you fancy changing it to a different colour there is nothing stopping you,
    Ems keeps pushing me to change my natural colour, GRAY, to something else, but i have been told that would make me look like Mr Trump, (Thanks for that my Friend ,)
    Clothes, well we can wear the latest designs but come on boys and girls there are limits ,
    Under the Knife, yes its the final thing we all could do but with the cost to change how you look i think i would not bother,
    So boys and girls after all this we could be the best dressed best looking person out there, but would you be happy,
    I know i am just me , my hair is the colour i like , my face well its me , my teeth well yes i wish i had a nice set, but they are my own except the 1 tooth, and you know what I AM SO HAPPY , sO DONT CHANGE A THING

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Being well groomed, nice clothes makes a world of difference. I've got little hair but keep it short and use a bit of just for men for the grey bits on the side (my barber did not know I used it )

    Bath and razor shave every morning,followed by anti perspirant,lynx body spray and men's face balm which feels great after shave.

    Good jeans Levi 501s for me, qulity T-shirts

    I walk and work out a bit so I'm pleased to say this 57 year old gets comments that he only looks about 50.

    That's all I can do really just have to accept we are not 21 anymore and make the best of what we have left

  3. #3
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    Still waiting for the bus driver to ask why I'm using a bus pass.

    Other than that, I find that continuing to wear the same clothes I did 30 years ago, driving the same cars and listening to the same music, makes me feel a lot younger...not to mention having a partner in her twenties.

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I still see the 22 year old Roma chic on occasion
    That help and I agree with the music - picked up a hen night party last night, and we had a right blast booming out the tunes in the car.

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Oh and York Races Ladies Day coming up 20th this month Graham - you coming out for a beer or 10?

  6. #6
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    I won't rule it out...cheers Les.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I wouldn't change a thing, very happy!

  8. #8
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    I try to look as old as possible so that when I dance Budots everyone is amazed and buys me another beer

    Well if Mayor Duterte can do it so can I :-

  9. #9
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    All part of the Phils craziness that we love so much.

  10. #10
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I try to look as old as possible so that when I dance Budots everyone is amazed and buys me another beer

    Well if Mayor Duterte can do it so can I :-

    Budots is quite fun to dance

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Two people stood out in my life, for looking far, far younger than their respective biological ages:

    Firstly, my maternal grandpa ... who'd a full head of black (not dyed) hair and was still totally alert and physically able to get around when only just over a couple of years short of his "ton-up" (100).

    Then, of course, there was his middle daughter - my mother herself - who lived to be only 84, sadly. But, I'm proud to say, her hair never turned grey either. Honestly, without a word of a lie, she could've passed for a woman of 50, by the time she died.

    Unlike me, who's been grey, bald and looked every inch my [present] three score years and ten, ever since being widowed at forty-seven.

  12. #12
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Two people stood out in my life, for looking far, far younger than their respective biological ages:

    Firstly, my maternal grandpa ... who'd a full head of black (not dyed) hair and was still totally alert and physically able to get around when only just over a couple of years short of his "ton-up" (100).

    Then, of course, there was his middle daughter - my mother herself - who lived to be only 84, sadly. But, I'm proud to say, her hair never turned grey either. Honestly, without a word of a lie, she could've passed for a woman of 50, by the time she died.

    Unlike me, who's been grey, bald and looked every inch my [present] three score years and ten, ever since being widowed at forty-seven.
    Arthur that made me.....

  13. #13
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mendoza82 View Post
    Budots is quite fun to dance
    Nice, never seen that before

  14. #14
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I'm 41 but don't feel 41 and certainly don't act it!

    Most people think I look like I am in my early 30's which I am happy with.

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