Metro Davao is split into three speed limit zones: 60 KPH applies on the National Highway between Toril's and Tagum's city limits including the section skirting Davao City known as "Diversion Road" (aka "CP Garcia") whilst between Ulas and the bridges over the Davao river, the limit is 40 KPH. 30 KPH applies elsewhere on public roads but individual sub-divisions may impose limits of 15 or 10 KPH.

Traffic officers here are equipped with hand-held radar speed guns and there's been a recent spate of certain rogue officers asking for bribes to overlook speeding offences. For a consideration of around Php 500, these officers don't issue a ticket and don't confiscate drivers licences and thus speeding drivers that they caught weren't inconvenienced by having to attend the LTO, attend a seminar and pay a fine - which can be a whole-day process. But one or more drivers stopped by traffic officers and encouraged to pay a "on the spot fine" decided to report such incidents to the Mayors Office.

Duterte was reportedly incensed by reports of corruption in the police and city traffic management ranks and has temporarily removed all the speed limits in the city. Nowhere is this more evident than on the section of Diversion Road between MacArthur Avenue and Ma'a Road where (yesterday) we cruised at 80+ KPH and ours was not the fastest car - some were doing 100 or so on the long downhill approach to Ma'a.

Exhilarating though it was, this "holiday" won't last long and soon enough the speed cops will be out in force.