It seems that the "Teddy bear" saga is over, and the unjustly accused teacher is coming home to Lillipud, where she will feast on fish and chips, as reported....

Never mind what has been said in the press about the whole affair, but I feel that something has been, conveniently, omitted from the news.

Apparently she took the job in Sudan, to teach underprivileged children, which is extremely commendable in my view...

It is all very good and very nice until you sit down, digest what you read, think about it for a few minutes, and keep on pondering over a cup of coffee....
Then you seem to come to an impasse...

Hold on, something wrong with that statement.... Underpriviliged kids attending a private school...?
According to the website, it is fee and donations funded...
Teachers get free flats and transport, and what about the salary....

A woman I know, (ex client) has gone to Malawi for £37k p.a.
Or so she said, I have no way to confirm this 100%.

Professionals don't tend to move lock stock and barrel just for glory.... Or...?... In this case... Echoes of "Shirley Valentine"....???

I find the situation a little hypocritical, and I welcome other people views on it.