As you may recall i lost my Dog some months ago, he usually chased the nuisance Badger off on the few occasions that they met when we had been out and came back whilst he was in the Garden, Greyhounds dont have any fear of live stuff, but i was often worried about any damage that may have been done to Sammy when they had these scuffles. I suspect that also the smell of Sammy around the place used to keep the dreaded Badger away, but now he has free run of the place.
Thanks for the suggestions it looks as though i am going to have my work cut out to keep him/them out, and it could be costly, i have already seen him on top of the garden shed so they seem to be agile, also they will be able to dig under any additional fencing, i have thought about ultra sound, also as i live alongside a Canal and opposite a Nature reserve none of which will be helping my case for stopping the intruders. Grrrrrrr dammed things.