Oh here we go again


Was watching the X Factor last night (It's a guilty pleasure, I know it's rubbish but wife also likes it) and there was an act of four Filipinas who were frankly the highlight of the night.

Well, they had their story, of how they flew from Manila with their mother because they wanted to meet Simon Cowell, along with "how convenient" footage the show could use of the sisters in the aeroplane on their way here.

They were certainly a hit with various Pinoy friends who have posted about it on Facebook - not really surprisingly.

Of course though, the Daily Mail has been able to seize on this. Anyone reading this regularly will notice the Philippines is one place which seems to attract their particular bile, if it wasn't that murdering hospital worker - and they after tried with some success to paint ALL Filipinos as suspect scum - then it's other stories. Got to wonder if one of their reporters was turned down by a ladyboy in a Subic bar (If that sounds offensive to their reporters, it was meant to be)

Now come on, anybody with any sense would have immediately been suspicious these girls were spontaneous, especially people on forums such as this. Questions such as "how did Pinays afford to take a flight to London just for a talent contest, how did they secure their tourist visa for this etc", and it turns out they have appeared on other shows and are quite popular on youtube. In other words, X Factor is just staged showmanship, surely nobody thinks it's all spontaneous.

That's all it is though, they aren't professionals, they're perhaps semi who wanted to appear on the UK show. The Mail though has unsurprisingly tried to paint them as extreme chancers out to con the British.

Then there's the usual type of Mail comments. Did they used to be men? Why aren't they wearing flipflips and baseball hats? Some quite offensive stuff. Yes, they have committed the Daily Mail reader crime of not being British, and even worse, not being white.

Absolute rag