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Thread: just got back

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Hi Guys
    returned from Leyte last night after my first trip to RP .....wot a culture shock !! but some of the best people i have ever met
    best of all Jasmine and i just became inseperable talk about match made in heaven :wub: i shall be going back later this year when we will be getting engaged

  2. #2
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    Bitten and smitten.

    Irrisistable arent they, hope you can endure the separation

    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  3. #3
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    oh yes, completely smitten i guess i just have to take the attiude 'i dont care what it takes i am going to marry her'
    jump through whatever hoops the authorities put in the way and just believe it will be worth it in the long run

  4. #4

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    Originally posted by dave65@Feb 9 2006, 03:31 PM
    oh yes, completely smitten i guess i just have to take the attiude 'i dont care what it takes i am going to marry her'
    jump through whatever hoops the authorities put in the way and just believe it will be worth it in the long run
    you are in good company here - some of us did just that and now we have our lovely wife here in the UK

    even at this early stage I suggest that you go to a post from "ginapeterb" and click on the link to his web site where you will all that is required to bring your girl here - read well and start preparing so that in due course you will meet the requirments IMPOSED via the British Embassy in Manila -

    all the best as you make your plans - feel free to ask for advice on this forum you wont find better qualified advisors

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by deepete@Feb 9 2006, 01:58 PM
    Bitten and smitten.

    Irrisistable arent they, hope you can endure the separation


    Hello David, I have just got in and seen your private message to me, which I will reply to later, great news that you had a great time, our other peter certainly sums it up with his comments, about irresistable, when you meet them, you want them ! as he says, the separation can be a killer, but youre not alone, weve all done it, and youve got lots of support here at this forum, all the guys will be rooting for you, and helping you along the way, when I think of all the endless months of separation, and when you look back, trust me its a blip......if something is good its worth waiting for !!, welcome back, were with you all the way.


  6. #6
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Originally posted by dave65@Feb 9 2006, 12:40 PM
    Hi Guys
    returned from Leyte last night after my first trip to RP .....wot a culture shock !! but some of the best people i have ever met
    best of all Jasmine and i just became inseperable talk about match made in heaven :wub: i shall be going back later this year when we will be getting engaged
    Hi Dave,
    it does really take you to go the philippines to experience what a different world it really is. I am only about one week away from actually sending off for my visa to bring my wife back so if i can help in anyway let me know....


  7. #7
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    Originally posted by dave65@Feb 9 2006, 01:40 PM
    Hi Guys
    returned from Leyte last night after my first trip to RP .....wot a culture shock !! but some of the best people i have ever met
    best of all Jasmine and i just became inseperable talk about match made in heaven :wub: i shall be going back later this year when we will be getting engaged
    dave dave dave!!!im sure your girl feels the same way...i can still remember seeing my man in the airport heading to manila to catch his flight for uk and i cant help myself crying oh god life really sucks sometimes doesnt it?but u need patient as evrbody says coz its the only way to be with ur girl sure in this forum you will find loads of information about how getting ur girl here....just feel free to ask.....were one here!!!

    truelove26 gracie

  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Feb 9 2006, 09:26 PM
    Hi Dave,
    it does really take you to go the philippines to experience what a different world it really is. I am only about one week away from actually sending off for my visa to bring my wife back so if i can help in anyway let me know....


    And then its off to pleasure Island John ? hahaha, dont worry we hear you !

  9. #9
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    Hi guys
    thanks for all the messages of support, the advice etc
    regarding the Asia Star Hotel the place might not look much from outside like many of the buildings there but the rooms although fairly basic were clean, tidy, the staff very helpful
    and they now know the difference between english and other westerners, they had few staying there and the others came across and rather arrogant and condesending, after a couple of days the reception staff asked my girlfriend and her mum where i was from because they hadnt met a westerner that always smiled and wished tham a good morning and said please and thank you to the staff such a small thing to do being friendly and polite to the staff but obviously meant alot to them
    i posted before about the transfer from one terminal to another and the problem of getting a taxi just to update you i had the onward flight to leyte prebooked and when i landed at Manila immigration handed me a slip and directed me to a tiny office on the taxi rank the slip was for a taxi to transfer me all within the cost of the flight ticket apparently it can be handed in by the driver and gets him 150p for the trip

  10. #10

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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 10 2006, 10:14 AM
    And then its off to pleasure Island John ? hahaha, dont worry we hear you !


    Is spite of your global travels (I see this from your web site) you have clearly never been to Northern Ireland

    When John's new wife gets there she will have to endure such cooking delicacies as Ulster Fry and Soda Scones

    Do you think we should warn her ??

    Speaking of National dishes - my wife and I are living in Scotland

    The other night she had a dream - and you know how religious our Filipino wives are, anyway

    She dreamed that a Scotsman knocked on the Pearly Gates

    Who's there? said St Peter

    Its me McDonald from Glasgow

    You can't come in

    Why not???

    We are not making porridge for one !!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Feb 10 2006, 09:14 AM
    And then its off to pleasure Island John ? hahaha, dont worry we hear you !
    We'll have less of that smut on here, this is a 100% clean forum...

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