Would some of you like to tell me your stories about Remittances.

Some of you will know if not all, I run a website called British-Filipino, I am in the process of doing some research into the remittance habits of Filipinos who are married or living with/engaged etc, to British Nationals.

I am doing a sort of a human interest article for my website on the cultural relationships between the British man and his foreign born wife, how the Filipino culture of dependancy is either accepted into their new way of life once in UK or on the other side of the coin, if it is rejected or there is resistance to it.

I am interested in the following ?

Do you support your family from your own earnings ?

Does your husband know about your remittances or your obligations to the family ?

If so, does he help you with it, or does he not mind, or does he for example not approve of it.

Do you work to send money for relatives, siblings, helping others through school, etc.

Has it put a strain on your relationship, how has it affected you.

I would be grateful if the Filipina's on this forum could spend a few moments and tell me in a few short lines whether they send money, who is it for, and is it an obligation, and if they didnt do it, what would happen to their family or other dependee.

Thanks for your help in this matter.