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Thread: Petition Refugees & Economic Migrants

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Saudi Arabia UAE and Qatar should be admitting these people same religion and same language

    The Syrian's don't head to these countries because the handouts there don't compare with Europe

    My sympathy for them has all but evaporated after seeing how they are behaving in Hungary

    That idiot throwing his wife and baby on the train tracks was nothing more than a publicity stunt for the TV crews

    Its seems these days people can demand to live where they want to

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All the countries around Syria have received refugees. UN figures as of Dec 14. Why is the overflow not going to Saudia? Simple, geography. Most refugees can only flee north, as they cannot pass south of Damascus due to Assad's forces. They cannot go east due to ISIS. East is how they would get to Saudia. North from Homs & Aleppo is the only safe route left for the majority fleeing the conflict.
    Lebanon hosts 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to around 26 per cent of the country’s population
    Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 per cent of the population
    Turkey hosts 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 per cent of the population
    Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 per cent of the population
    Egypt 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 per cent of the population
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Saudi Arabia UAE and Qatar should be admitting these people same religion and same language

    The Syrian's don't head to these countries because the handouts there don't compare with Europe

    My sympathy for them has all but evaporated after seeing how they are behaving in Hungary
    Give them an inch and they'll take a mile - the more that are let in the more that will follow.

    Hypocritically Cameron & the rest of the all party political establishment try to ignore other cases who do deserve shelter in this country. For example the 200 or so educated Afghan translators who bravely risked their lives supporting our troops and are now in fear of both their own and their families lives

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