Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
Just seen the footage of the Syrians trying to rip down the fence at the station in Hungary.lots of angry young men trying to stick the boot into the hungarian police
Great these lot will be heading for the rest of europe-basically a gang of thugs. No humbleness in these people is there-bite any hand that feeds them if they don't get what they want
Once they Hungarian police get a few of these grubs away from the handwringing media they'll dish it out.

I have happy memories from c 1995 seeing the Police give a gang of Roma a good taste of the nightstick at a Prague metro station

It's all kicking off on Lesbos

Riots erupt on the Greek island of Lesbos as 200 frustrated "refugees" throw stones at police and coastguard officials after being blocked from getting on a mainland-bound ferry

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz3kn22x3L1

As Richard Littlejohn says :-

If they were wearing red and white scarves and chanting ‘United’, the police would turn the flame-throwers on them. Just as at Calais, 99 per cent of them are young men, aged between 15 and 25. Where are all the women and girls?