So the European president Junker tries to impose compulsory quotas on Schengen European countries

Its seems to me this European Union is nothing more than a dictatorship

No mention from Junker about how do we try and stem the flow of these migrants

Merkel should have been publicly criticised for encouraging more migrants to come to the EEC

Surely if ever there was a good reason for the UK to leave the European Union it has to be this one

This is the first round of quotas and as the European Union is doing absolutely nothing to try and stop the influx of migrants then expect many more quotas in the future

Patrol boats off turkey and Greece to stop anymore sailing into the EEC and a massive fence to be erected along the entire European border and this border to be patrolled properly just like the fence between the USA and Mexico

I don't hear many people bleating on about the poor old Mexicans and that country could be described as a war zone also with all the infighting amongst their notorious drug cartels

Sitting back and doing nothing is not an option