Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
The original Social multi cultural engineers have won the battle and there is little point in arguing if the plan was right or wrong,good or bad anymore..
Just open the borders and let it be!! Its too late to go back now.. The Britain I was born in has gone already.
Get over it!...
What difference will it make if we allow 20,000 or 50,000,1 Million refugees in now or later?? They will get here eventually anyway and a large % of them probably will never return to their home country..
Once the social benefit system collapses and minimum wage is scrapped,perhaps we will all have to consider Immigrating somewhere better anyway!..Get saving!!
Not me though...I`m quite happy where I am, living a quiet life here with no political or social rights,respecting the locals,obeying the law and observing the vast changes in Europe from afar..
Nothing you can do... Go with the flow!!
You are Probably right but when i can see something going on which is being manipulated by the media i just feel i cant remain silent on the matter

According to the media reports we should all be out dancing in the streets and rejoicing that mass unchecked migration into Europe is happening

Back in the REAL world amongst my friends and work colleagues i am yet to meet anyone who thinks this is great thing or sustainable