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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    See ya guys

    Amazed no one has mentioned Dedworth-love or hate him he spoke a lot of sense which many agreed with on here.
    Keith has banned him as i think it got a bit personal between them both-I think it's ridiculous at the end of the day i've not agreed with some on here Joe and Andy in particular but I don't hold grudges and have always said I'd happily have a beer with them.

    i'll be honest keith I think your bang out of order but you can take your ball home and say it's your site which is obviously what you have done.
    I know it's got political on here when it's not the main purpose of the site but some on the discussions on here whether liked by all or not have been great fun.

    A bit like being in the pub with your mates-difference is next day even after disagreeing your still mates.

    There is some right .... going off in the world today and this has been a great place to argue and counter argue things.

    Bit of name calling went on Keith but looking back you started it,I said to ded at the time I wonder if you will warn yourself!

    Anyway I expect to be banned for speaking out so be it,we have lost one of the most colourful,interesting respected members on here and to me weakened the forum because of it.

    Some lovely people on here and i hope it doesn't fade into a boring site with little spirit and fire in its belly

    The success of a good forum is not the owner it's the members
    Thought you were a bit bigger than this keith.
    Take care trest of you guys,all the best

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Very well put Les,
    I dont know what has happened between Deds and Keith , so i cannot comment on that,
    Dedworth i got on with very well, lots of things i did not get involved in when the politics got going but each to there own i say,
    Things do change and people come and go , some may get banned but there has to be a reason i would have thought,

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Look in the refugeee/ europe threads and you will see the pattern. Got bit personal stick was given and returned.

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    C'mon Keith do a poll on if Ded should be reinstated show it's a democratic forum-i bet the answer would be an overwhelming yes. Do it and prove to the members it's not personal

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    He won't be reinstated. If you want to follow him, wherever he goes (although I doubt he'd join the other Fil-Brit forum because they don't like him there either), you are free to do that.

    Yes, he's the one with the most threads/posts created here, but most of it are all daily crap articles and all repetitive and non-stop political topics. We might get less postings now, but there will be new members. We want to attract members that have genuine Filipino-British relationships and life concerns, not just about politics. This is a democratic forum as long as the members follow the rules provided by the owner, but the owner IS still the decision maker when it comes to forum matters. He doesn't see him fit here anymore.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Why not ask the forum members with a poll-or is it a case of it's keiths site so tough,you just said it's democratic prove it!

  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    We don't have to prove it to you. You are just wasting your time asking. Keith won't reinstate him whatever poll you want. It's him who decided this and has clicked the button.
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  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    See ya guys, this should be done by personal messages , its getting to personal

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    You just proved its Raynaputi might as well ban me as well

  10. #10
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I'll leave Keith to do that. He doesn't like ManU fans.
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  11. #11
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    I certainly won't miss his incessant Daily Mail posts of hate.

    Hopefully, the forum will appear more friendly and welcoming to new members, rather than a right-wing love-in.

  12. #12
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    New members supposedly don't get to see it. Well we seen plenty of stuff from the left of politics too. Anyway he saved me having to buy a paper every day. Doesn't matter what side your on many members agreed with him as disagreed. It's called a democracy. Like I said before you could not get further apart in politics than me and Andy but I respect his views although I'd never agree. Anyway whatever will be will be.

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I did suggest a completely hidden forum for the regulars to have their rants in.. No need to ban anyone then as it would never be seen.. Any member wishing not to subscribe would never see it also.. They could talk about visas and Filipino roses all day!!

  14. #14
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Dissapointed, to see Deds has been binned.

    As Les has said he and i disagreed with a lot of what Deds posted, however thats Democracy, surely its better that people say what they feel rather than hide it. I have been involved in that particular post, and yes it did get personal on both sides, but surely as The site owner Keith should be above that, and i for one thought Keith was a better man than that, obviously i was wrong.

    Im not saying the site will be better or worse for Deds not being here, but what i have noticed is that apart from the regular posters on here, things have become a bit boring and repetitive, The site as a whole needs a good shake up, and maybe a change in direction, the name change for instance does not really give a true guide to what the site is. Looking at the name people might be forgiven for thinking its an introduction site, as opposed to what it really is.

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Dissapointed, to see Deds has been binned.

    As Les has said he and i disagreed with a lot of what Deds posted, however thats Democracy, surely its better that people say what they feel rather than hide it. I have been involved in that particular post, and yes it did get personal on both sides, but surely as The site owner Keith should be above that, and i for one thought Keith was a better man than that, obviously i was wrong.

    Im not saying the site will be better or worse for Deds not being here, but what i have noticed is that apart from the regular posters on here, things have become a bit boring and repetitive, The site as a whole needs a good shake up, and maybe a change in direction, the name change for instance does not really give a true guide to what the site is. Looking at the name people might be forgiven for thinking its an introduction site, as opposed to what it really is.

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Harry I agreed with nearly everything Ded posted except football.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Harry I agreed with nearly everything Ded posted except football.
    I stand corrected Les, come on you Wolves hahaha

  18. #18
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I just want to say this ban me if you like.I fully accept some of the discussions are heavy and not to everyones taste,all I'm saying we are grown men (and women) and with all the .... whats going on today the forum is a good place to have a good whinge-let off steam.Why not create a section called whingers corner enter at your own risk!
    It would be great if we live in a rainbow coloured happy world but we don't.
    It was pointed out a while ago new members don't have access to this!
    The last thing Ded or I want to do is to put people off or make steve feel like he wants to leave I feel well shitty about that he is a decent guy-so are all of you but to ban people when many people engage in what they have to say and plenty agree-(The refugee topic has lot's of us agreeing we don't like the idea)

    Sometimes it's all been over the top but c'mon not different to what we might say if we were in the pub with our mates-which is exactly the point I'm trying to make that i consider everyone on here in that way no matter what we bitch about.
    It keeps the forum alive when sometimes there is little to discuss of interest-just as harry says.
    Ded has gained lots of reputation and people read what he says,I admit his posts are the first ones i look at.
    Then you have lovely guys like Arthur who tries to see the good in everyone.
    Yes keith is the site owner but I agree once again with Harry and thought a scouser would have a bit more in him and be able to take a bit of stick when he can give it out himself.

    Ded has not even asked to come back and he might be annoyed with me but I just felt it was wrong for him to get banned and like i said I bet anything if a poll was done he would easily be voted back in (he may not want to i don't know)
    So if you want to have a forum that's artificial and paints a pretty picture with no input from members carry on.
    You may not care what i think that's fine but it does come across as a bit petty to me.

    I don't want to leave as I enjoy coming on here but if it's going to be a sanitised sky,bbc type forum I'll leave it.
    To steve sorry but this could not be done as a private message as I wanted members to know how I felt about ded being booted off.
    Anyway I've said enough if the keith want's to boot me off feel free to do so.
    i'll miss the forum but don't want to be somewhere where you can't speak your mind with adults without fear of being censored of removed.

  19. #19
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You are speaking your mind and you are still here. I've read a few threads you made in the past saying farewell to this forum. It's you who keep on saying to ban you, so I don't know what Keith will do to you.

    I think you need to move in with Dedworth if he means so much to you.
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  20. #20
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    No need for sarcasm! yes I've had my moments in the past too,you chosen to ignore my considered post above hopefully the forum members will be a bit more understanding of what I'm trying to say.
    i'm trying to calm it down a bit and act like an adult rather that throw my teddy in.

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    No need for sarcasm! yes I've had my moments in the past too,you chosen to ignore my considered post above hopefully the forum members will be a bit more understanding of what I'm trying to say.
    i'm trying to calm it down a bit and act like an adult rather that throw my teddy in.

  22. #22
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    What's the betting that Joe will re-appear again now that Ded has been banned
    Will he still be a moderator
    I was also under the impression that the World Politics section was hidden to new members, so fail to see why posts made in this section could possibly put new members off. Maybe an active drive to attract new members would be more appropriate then banning existing ones who post on a regular basis.
    I agree with Harry also that the name change has done the site no favours.

  23. #23
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I agree with Harry also that the name change has done the site no favours.
    Perhaps they should have had a Forum name change Poll..

  24. #24
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I don't care who has been banned.

    I found 90% of Ded's post's are just Daily mail links.... 9% I didn't read and the other 1% I found slightly amusing... I have nothing against him (I don't know him personally) just my personal preference....

    As for this thread.... Les, every time you threaten to leave you must leave through a revolving door as you keep coming back 5 minutes later

  25. #25
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    I don't care who has been banned.

    I found 90% of Ded's post's are just Daily mail links.... 9% I didn't read and the other 1% I found slightly amusing... I have nothing against him (I don't know him personally) just my personal preference....

    As for this thread.... Les, every time you threaten to leave you must leave through a revolving door as you keep coming back 5 minutes later
    I wanted to explain why I felt the decision was wrong that's why I relied. Don't worry mate I'm gone .I won't be coming back and you may pressthe button Keith.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I used to run a forum, and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN!!!! The clash of personalities, the people who think it's not just a forum but their personal social club, the people who think arguing and winning on the internet actually means something - then a member goes and posts porn, I give them a warning and all hell breaks loose, members throwing insults, members leaving in support of the "front bottom poster", then former members who just can't really leave and keep coming back using new usernames to cause trouble......

    Point is, I know what it's like. Never ever again.

    What I used to say to members though, that it was a chat forum where anything goes, but in the end posting is a privilege not a right, everyone is a guest in our houses and if they overstep any marks, they are asked to leave.

    If it's worth anything - maybe, maybe not - I didn't like postings from the Daily Mail. I have a love hate relationship with that rag, and people on here ought to have a hard think about what they regard the publication as, because they definitely do not like Filipinos. If certain editors at the Daily Mail had their way, Filipinos would be targets of hate in our hospitals and society.

    Did I dislike Ded though - of course not. He seemed ok enough, just a bit angry. Did he overstep any marks? Well if I was running the forum, I would be concerned about some postings that they could come under hate laws, sorry but sometimes we have to be careful and aware of what we say - keep some things just for real friends and not in a forum which anyone could access. Whether I agreed or not with him is irrelevant to this.

    If you also believe a smattering (Not as many as they might like to believe) of former members on "that other forum",which they claim was set up due to a disagreement on this one, then some claim they left pretty much due to presumably Ded and some others agreeing with him/not challenging him.

    This brings me back to the personal experience - they form their own forum but can't help keeping on mentioning this one and spying on this one, slagging off members as they see fit?

    So if all this is correct, do you keep an influence which MAYBE caused other members to leave, or do you keep that influence as he is part of the furniture, his posts keep the place going and it would be different without him?

    Not a call I'd like to make.

    Others though mentioning the name change, I'm embarrassed to mention the name to anyone. If anyone asks, I'm browsing Ashley Madison.
    Last edited by Iani; 6th September 2015 at 11:19. Reason: i cant spel like u know

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    From all of the messages I have had/read, if I ran a poll it would be a clear majority that he is no longer here. Out of all of them, there are only 3 or 4 who want him back. So, in conclusion, the majority of members are happy with the decision. Not that I need to ask anyone, but I do take into account the feelings of the majority on here.
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I for one will not miss Dedworth's biased political topics

  29. #29
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    I joined this forum because I had a Filipino beauty that I loved and wanted help and advice from experienced friendly people who have made such a difference to our visa journey. Because of this forum I have now submitted our spouse visa application and hopefully all will be good. Also now I have some experience I will help others in the future.

    I am not interested in politics on this forum at all. I get enough politics at work.

    Did prefer the old site name. It does sound like a dating site now. I'm sure there were valid reasons for the name change. Just glad this forum exists. Thank you Keith and Rayna and all the mods for keeping it going.

    Agreed we don't have to read topics if we don't want to but every day I logged in 90% of the posts were political in nature and nothing to do with the Philippines or help with visa problems. I'm not even sure if the people involved were dating or married to Filipinos.

    At the end of the day as I say I am grateful this forum exists. It has helped sheina and me through some stressful worries in the past.

    And if I can help someone who is worried about their visa in the future I will do so.

    I'm sorry if people find my posts boring. I'm here for a genuine reason.

    This forum should be a happy place. to help and assist others who are in need. It can be the most anxious and stressful time when your love is at the other the other side of the world.

    I also love Filipino culture and although I am no expert have visited four times now and Know a lot more that I used to.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    i like ded,he comes across as straight forward.

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