My final word on this, Im not for or against Deds, what i didnt like was the way its done, and what its over, we ALL have opinions, some agree, and some disagree, we are ALL very lucky that we live in a Country of free speech, and no censorship, well i think we do. I myself have gained opinions over many years on many things; Politics being just one of many
occasionally such as the Refugee crisis it can get emotional, and hard words are said, a little like a marriage
but surely its not a subject to get divorced over..
This is a wonderful site for people who need help and advice on many many issues, i love the Philippines and its people, I myself have asked for help on matters, and without fail always someone has offered advice, I have suggested ways other people can choose to go, never for one minute thinking its the only thing that they can do. I myself visit the site to varying degrees dependant on whats happening in my private life, if i have time i visit, if i can see someone needs ongoing help i visit the site, No i dont read every thread i dont have that much time
Now the name Filipino Roses, Filipino Cupid, Chinese love links, do you see my meaning ? I really do think, and it appears some people agree the name doesnt really do the site justice, thats what I am saying, yes great name for a dating/introduction site, but for this site, I personally dont think so, "Filipino Daily" is just one name that springs to mind, and would be far more relative to the site, and its content.
Finally there are some great people on here, and i wouldnt want to see any of them leave, instead just do as i have done have your say, and move on, tomorrows another day, and will hopefully be a better day..