Wheewbeen away from the forum for God Knows how many days everytime i logged in I am bombarded with a lot of new posting.Life`s been so hectic for me I visited hospital worst than my husband and friend who has parkinsons but you cannot tell she have it coz she`s full of life.Just recently I was in and out in the hospital last monday for an operation and at present enjoying (hopefully you call it enjoying)my off at work.it was my first time when they put me to sleep.I am not afraid though if I might be able to wake up again or not the main concern there is if I woke up in the middle of the surgery
its quite funny if you say it that way my husband said i had a lot of injections and pill more than my age now.since I arrived in uk last february this year it seems that hospital for me is part of my life now.(knock on wood)hopefully not for long now
.Yesterday before going to have my another appointment at 2pm to doctor we took my step daughter to derby but unfortunately on quarter a mile going there we had a break down and not managed to attend my appointment when i made a call to cancel it to my surprised they said i dont have any appointment that day I was so shocked at the same time pleased coz I`ve not miss anything but really I have my evidence that I supposed to have an appointment that day to meet my doctor I dont know
Its just a matter of booking another appointment which I i did and wait again for another 2 weeks.Thats all for me hope I not bored you of reading my hectic life or as you call it by the way everytime am away from the forum its so sad my rep power decrease
thats life!