I think you have to evaluate your safety by yourself, some will be more cautious than others. I have took some risks before that others thought I was mad but I believed at the time the risks were minimal. I was in Manila when the peninsula hotel was under siege by the army after a so called coup, there was shooting but I was interested and walked up there from Glorietta, very slim chances of danger IMO. Got pulled off a bus at gunpoint in Mindanao, luckily it was the Phils army. On the other hand this year I decided to cancel my boat trip to Dapitan after the beheading there.
Ive lived in London most of my adult life but would never consider the risks of danger very high, even if a terrorist group said tonight that they will plant a bomb in London tomorrow I wouldn't change my plans to go. My reasoning would be is that London is such a big city that the chances of me being in the wrong place at the wrong time would be very slim.
Personal safety is how you yourself evaluate the risks.