Hi All,

As stated in response to another thread, Ella has now been here in UK for 18 months, she also has been working for nearly all that time where she is very well thought of, in a local restaurant.
We've recently had a great 6 weeks holiday in PH, mostly in Siquijor, but also visited Camiguin & Iligan.

Next steps for us in the process are Life in the UK test, then in Nov 2016 Ella's spouse visa expires, so although I'm not too sure what will be required at that time, I'm sure we'll manage that hurdle when it comes.
One slight worry is that Ella's PH passport export expires in 2018, so if anyone could tell me for certain that a PH passport can be renewed here or whether we'll need to go to PH for that process, then that will be a big help.

One more thing, Ella is pregnant!!!!!!!!

We are now talking about where the birth should happen, here in UK or back in PH so Ella has the support of her family. My feeling is that life for us & the nipper will be much more straightforward if the birth takes place here in the UK.

Just to add, at present I'm still working on a ship; 3 moths on/off.

Any thoughts or advice will be appreciated!