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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Dependent visa

    hello everyone id like to ask some questions regarding getting my wife here in uk. im an oversease worker in a working permit status and im getting my wife as my dependent in a dependent visa... im planning to rent a flat but it only allows 5 people in it as it has only 1 toilet.

    is it ok if she lives in that flat without tenancy?
    would that affect her if i filed for a indefinite leave to remain?
    or would that affect her if she filed for an indefinite leave to remain or a citizenship?
    would that also affect her working? in terms of council tax, legal process in deals, etc.?

    hope to hear from you guys.. thanks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by benchcy View Post
    im planning to rent a flat but it only allows 5 people in it as it has only 1 toilet.

    1 wife + 1 husband = 2 people....

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    I'm not sure how it works but on my knowledge a couple person in 1 bedroom or 2 adult and 1 child = 2 bedroom.

    Must provide evidence of available accommodation for your wife (not crowded house or flat) ie. letter from your landlord saying that she/he is allowing you to bring your wife to live with you in the property.

    YOu need a joint tenancy, under your both names, she will need this evidence when she apply for EVERYTHING! ie. opening a bank account and specially when she apply for a visa.

    Tenancy agreement under your both names is one of the strong evidence where you both can show where you live.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by benchcy View Post
    hello everyone id like to ask some questions regarding getting my wife here in uk. im an oversease worker in a working permit status and im getting my wife as my dependent in a dependent visa... im planning to rent a flat but it only allows 5 people in it as it has only 1 toilet.

    is it ok if she lives in that flat without tenancy?
    would that affect her if i filed for a indefinite leave to remain?
    or would that affect her if she filed for an indefinite leave to remain or a citizenship?
    would that also affect her working? in terms of council tax, legal process in deals, etc.?

    hope to hear from you guys.. thanks
    Hi Benchcy, I am Jamz. I have the same circumstance as you. I am a work permit holder and I managed to get my husband and daughter dependants visa last October. You may refer to my other posts for some details.

    As per your enquiries,

    is it ok if she lives in that flat without tenancy? -

    When my husband applied for his and our daughter's dependants visa, I just gave him the original tenancy agreement to be presented to the UK Embassy "with my name only" in it as the tenant. Because I thought before, why indicate my husband's name in it if my husband is in the Philippines and he was not there physically present to sign and witness the flat I agreed. Although, the landlord offered me before if I wanted my husband's name to be indicated as well in the agreement but I just chose not. However, now that he is coming over, I am thinking of getting back to my letting agency to ask for a copy of tenancy agreement now indicating my husband's name as well because as LadyJ said, they will be needing it in applying for bank accounts, etc.

    Can you please confirm that when you said you are planning to rent a flat, do you mean you will be sharing a big house with other people? Because as I understood your message, it seems there are people aside from you living in the flat because you mentioned that it only allows 5 persons but Im thinking yes supposed to be you're ok because it would only be you and your wife who will be occupying your prospective flat...

    Just make sure that you have a strong evidence that there will be an accommodation for you and your wife - that is, a house or flat which is in exclusive use of you and your wife as a couple...

    But per our friends' posts here, they recommend a joint tenanacy agreement, which maybe they did before and was considered as well, so if that's the case, it's your call, whatever suits you best, because as I said, my family's dependants visas were approved also even it was not a joint tenancy agreement we presented. What I just thought before, even though we are married, binding a contract are signatures of people present in contract signing.

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