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Thread: Making the move to the Philippines

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fil/Am Art View Post
    We made the move here to the Philippines 17 1/2 yrs ago in 1998 from Northern California. Sta Rosa, Laguna in NCR of Luzon is where we live today to be exact and we're still here enjoying our retirement lifestyle.
    Even though I was born in the Philippines, I personally lived and worked my entire adult life in Northern California for 42 yrs until I retired in 1997 at age 49 before retiring to the Philippines with my wife in 1998.
    I guess it makes a difference us being both Filipinos and living here, because it's much easier for us to adapt and or adjust to our way of life here, but I'm actually an American in behavior, attitude and thought, but I reverted easily to the Filipino way of life.
    Yeah, it's all about adjusting and or adapting to one's surroundings to make a go of it in a foreign land. The Philippines isn't for everyone, especially for foreigners out of their elements from where they grew up in their perspective home country.
    Yes Art, I can believe living in the US for so long that you're still American in many ways.
    That's why, for me, it would be interesting to learn how easy/difficult it is fit back into the jigsaw of filipino culture.

    I spent 20 years living and working in Japan before returning to UK. Even that was a culture shock.
    The difference in outlook and behaviour here in the Philippines is huge.

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Fil/Am Art's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yes Art, I can believe living in the US for so long that you're still American in many ways.
    That's why, for me, it would be interesting to learn how easy/difficult it is fit back into the jigsaw of filipino culture.

    I spent 20 years living and working in Japan before returning to UK. Even that was a culture shock.
    The difference in outlook and behavior here in the Philippines is huge.
    Probably the main reason why we have lived here where we live today is because we have found our perfect place (our niche) that has everything we would ever need just within a 1/4 mile radius and or of walking distance and our gated community is clean, safe and quiet. It's also just my wife and I living in our own home and far enough away from family and relatives. We tried living close to family and relatives long ago, but it wasn't to my liking, too many family drama and it was always about money and so I convinced my wife to move further way, hence to our own little niche we now call home.

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