Yes I had notice that I did leave some un-answer questions out, thank God my wife and I spotted it and I almost left a couple of digits out from my passport number too,, Phew! That was close!2) Before submitting online check for errors or omissions as once you submit you cant change anything
I've gone over and over a few times just to make double sure
Hi cheekee
Thanks again while this still all fresh in your mind you would almost certainly still know all the in and outs of these visa forms A valuable help and I hope I can help those that come here after me too.
So we don't have to pay extra for appointment we just go to the free appointment centre without paying any extra charge ?
On average lets just say, how long does it usually take to process the visa's and for them to us know if we are going to get one or not?
I should touch wood be finish with all the forms by this time tomorrow?
thanks once again