Today at work we received a fixed penalty charge for driving through a bus and taxi lane only,
Well this road goes through the center of Derby, Albert street,
For all the years i have never known this to be bus and taxi only, and sure thing after checking the signs today there it is, NO ENTRY,
The reason our van went down this road was to deliver to Primark, yes there delivery entrance has always been down this road , thats where all there own lorries deliver too, there are other shops on this road too,
I rang Primark to ask if they have ever had traffic tickets too, and after speaking to there goods inwards , there lorries get them too,
Its a new road schem that the local council has just started 2 weeks ago,but how do you get your deliveries i ask, we just have to appeal the ticket ,
How stupid, are these stupid people trying to stop shops in the city center,
By the way our driver was caught on camera at 8am in the morning and the Primark lorries deliver at 4am so there are not many people or buses around that time ,
We are going to appeal the ticket , you never know we may get it squashed