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  1. #1
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    brit/western BFs... beware!

    This is just a friendly reminder to all western guys who have already fallen deeply in love or have just started to get to know their filipina girl online. Make sure that your girl is not a scammer.

    How to detect if she is a scammer:

    1. If she does not directly asks for money, she tells it to you indirectly by always mentioning her problems particularly financial problems... She would even use a lot of reasons like her mom/dad is hospitalized, her brother/sister needs to pay his/her tuition at school, etc...

    2. When you send her money, she would say that she didn't receive it or that she lend it to her best friend or a relative who is in need and will again ask you to send money, again. Other things she would say is that she was mugged, etc. It usually is being accompanied by a police report or so to make it more believable.

    3. Even if she already got a passport and other documents, she would still ask for money by saying that she needs it to get those.

    4. When applying for her visa, she would literally prolong the process so that the unlucky bf will continue on sending her money.

    5. After making sure that the bf has already fallen deeply in love with her and that the bf will no longer question anything and believe in everything that she says, she would ask for more money to the point that she would say she was once married and that she needs help in processing the annulment etc... where in fact, at the start of your relationship, she told you she was SINGLE, NO KIDS, UNATTACHED, etc. There are two possibilities here: #1. she is really single, never married, but just trying to ask for more money by telling you that she was actually married several years ago and got separated and thought she is no longer married and #2. she is really married, but pretended to be single at the start of your relationship so she could get your heart... and now she's telling you the truth with the hope of getting more money...

    There's a lot more! These are all based from my bf's past experiences... If, normally your relationship just revolves around money, then it's possible that you might be having a relationship with a scammer.

    I am not saying this to generalize all LDRs with bf sending money to his gf. I just want to remind the western bfs to be extra cautious.

    I also don't mean to put down my fellow filipinas who are decent and really love their bf. I am addressing this to the filipinas and filipino gays who usually use chatting, online dating and LDRs as their source of income. I just do hope that they will soon stop and realize that what they're doing is wrong! Their poverty can never justify what they are doing!

    To those who have been blessed in their relationship, thank God. And to those who have been unlucky in finding a scammer, make sure you'll never repeat the same mistake again, so be extra careful and cautious.

    I would like to close by saying that I do believe in KARMA.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by h0ney_c View Post
    This is just a friendly reminder to all western guys who have already fallen deeply in love or have just started to get to know their filipina girl online. Make sure that your girl is not a scammer.

    #2. she is really married, but pretended to be single at the start of your relationship so she could get your heart... and now she's telling you the truth with the hope of getting more money....
    This is all good advice - but in reality, for instance on the marriage thing, you must admit that there are more than 2 possibilities. There are lots. People have difficult and complicated lives, and we all have secrets and things we are ashamed of or worry about. Well, at least I do! It is very hard to say that someone is a scammer just because of just one of these things.


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    Quote Originally Posted by h0ney_c View Post
    I am not saying this to generalize all LDRs with bf sending money to his gf. I just want to remind the western bfs to be extra cautious.
    I agree with you, Mr. Ian. I am just sharing my BF's past experiences. I am not generalizing all LDR's here. I am sorry if it seems like I am pointing on you... I know life is just so complicated for some other people. -I can perfectly relate to life's complexities as I, myself came from a "complicated" family or a family with a complex lifestyle, should I say.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h0ney_c View Post
    I agree with you, Mr. Ian. I am just sharing my BF's past experiences....
    You're a scammer?
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You're a scammer?
    oh i thought you said scanker

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You're a scammer?
    hahahaha!!!! Sorry, but I don't belong to the past relationships of my BF.

    We're both happy with each other and I can say that our relationship does not revolve around money. I'm proud to say that I have a decent job and that I am thankful because my family is financially stable and that we live according to moral standards.

    I understand your humour, Mr. Admin.

  7. #7
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    Thanks Honey (blimey that sounds wrong . . . ). I am quite aware that right now I need to be very careful. Its either going to be the beginning of a very difficult year or two but with a great future - or the end of something. The stakes are high - if I mae a mistake one way I lose out to a potential scammer - but if I make a mistake the other way a really wonderful lady will get very badly hurt.

    My gut feel is that she is straight and her life is a mess. We have spent hours talking about her life (actually, she has spent hours talking about her life!), but never much about her past. I know what she does every minute of every day, I know her attitudes to things, I know what makes her laugh, and what makes her cry!

    There needs to be some serious talking tonight. Lets see what happens.


  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Thanks Honey (blimey that sounds wrong . . . ). I am quite aware that right now I need to be very careful. Its either going to be the beginning of a very difficult year or two but with a great future - or the end of something. The stakes are high - if I mae a mistake one way I lose out to a potential scammer - but if I make a mistake the other way a really wonderful lady will get very badly hurt.

    My gut feel is that she is straight and her life is a mess. We have spent hours talking about her life (actually, she has spent hours talking about her life!), but never much about her past. I know what she does every minute of every day, I know her attitudes to things, I know what makes her laugh, and what makes her cry!

    There needs to be some serious talking tonight. Lets see what happens.

    and be careful what you say or how you say it Ian, looking back i was wrong many times, and i'm glad i never said what others put in my mind, take it easy and go and see her asap, and not all who need help are scammers

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and not all who need help are scammers
    I may be right, I may be wrong. I am not generalizing, Mr. Joe... Maybe I am able to say these things because I never had experienced anything in my life when I badly needed help (financially)... Maybe I am too sheltered...

    I don't intend to put any negative idea into Mr. Ian's mind.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by h0ney_c View Post
    II don't intend to put any negative idea into Mr. Ian's mind.

    Bit late for that...... Huh....???

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h0ney_c View Post
    I may be right, I may be wrong. I am not generalizing, Mr. Joe... Maybe I am able to say these things because I never had experienced anything in my life when I badly needed help (financially)... Maybe I am too sheltered...

    I don't intend to put any negative idea into Mr. Ian's mind.

    of course honey_c there are scammers, scammers everywhere, you only need to google 'scammmers' and see how many web sites have been set up warning you of them, and yes your right with your orginal post about advice on spotting them , it's easy to start trusting someone you've chatted to for weeks and months and you think you know them and have some sort of relationship\bond with them......

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    of course honey_c there are scammers, scammers everywhere, you only need to google 'scammmers' and see how many web sites have been set up warning you of them, and yes your right with your orginal post about advice on spotting them , it's easy to start trusting someone you've chatted to for weeks and months and you think you know them and have some sort of relationship\bond with them......

    Exactly just look at the tv shows where they show people being conned and how easy it is. Luckily these people get the money back and advised how to avoid getting conned agian.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    The stakes are high - if I mae a mistake one way I lose out to a potential scammer - but if I make a mistake the other way a really wonderful lady will get very badly hurt.

    My gut feel is that she is straight and her life is a mess...
    I just want to quote my boss: "Whatever is happening or will happen to us, it may be good, it may be bad... who knows?" Nobody will tell you what to do or what to think of your girl. As a Filipina myself, I would like to think that ALL Filipinas are honest and live according to high moral standards.

    I hope everything will turn out well, Mr. Ian... May you be guided with your probing and whatever decision you will make. I hope that you will not make a mistake and that none of you will get hurt in the process.

    God bless you both.

  14. #14
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    I don't blame Honey - she has not put anything in my mind that wasn't already there. And what she says is 100% right. People obviously need to be very very careful. Hints and tips are useful. Thanks, Honey.


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    I don't blame Honey - she has not put anything in my mind that wasn't already there. And what she says is 100% right. People obviously need to be very very careful. Hints and tips are useful. Thanks, Honey.

    Thanks, Mr. Ian. I hope everything will turn out well for you and your GF. God bless you both.

  16. #16
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    Could be said for the person you meet at the bus stop down the road what do you really know about them?
    I got mates i know from down the pub or work who tell me they work in this or that and do this when i don't see them i have no way of telling. I may spend loads of time with them but you don't really know them unless you spend 24/7 with them.

    We always have to be aware of whats going on around us look at the two sons of the couple where the hubby dissapeared you just don't expect your Mum and Dad to lie to you.

    Like Joe put sometimes in LDRs (I know Ian has expereince of these already) you hear a small piece of Info which your like why didn't you tell me before?

    Without geting into any stereotype argument i do know from expereince and reading of others experiences. Westeners and Phills do have different views to what is important in life and what they might find embrassing. Understanding the beliefs, and way of thinking is important.

    My Wife was a bit coy about telling me she had a Brother and Sister who she is ATE to which means shes like a second mum to the two of them a very different role to many big sisters here in the UK. But to me it didn't matter but for some reason she thought it might frighten me off. At first i thought they were kids of her (the mind does go into overdrive with LDRs sometimes) then i thought i think it unlikely she had a kid at 6 and then another at nine!!

    Im sure things will work Ian.

  17. #17
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    We do have to be cautious don't we? But in my experience filipina's are mostly trustworthy. If your chatting to someone on yahoo and they're using two different user names...I think that sounds dodgey to me...why would they want to have two identities like that?

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  18. #18
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    How to detect them?

    my husband hasn't spotted me yet...
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post

    How to detect them?

    my husband hasn't spotted me yet...
    Love is blind.................

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post

    How to detect them?

    my husband hasn't spotted me yet...
    Hehehehe.........I'm gonna tell!!!


  21. #21
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post

    How to detect them?

    my husband hasn't spotted me yet...
    maybe u need tips in "how to be a scammer" or ur husband need tips "how to stop a scammer" lol

    scammers are over rated,what exactly is a scammer?
    whos gf doesnt need some extra money mine does,so that means we all get scammed at some point!

    my top tip on being scammed dont give them any money ever!

  22. #22
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    This is just a friendly reminder to all western guys who have already fallen deeply in love or have just started to get to know their filipina girl online. Make sure that your girl is not a scammer.
    Well my Gin Gin and I are reading all of this, and we are LOL cos she is scamming me right now, she regularly scams me out of Money ever since I met her, it all started with her regular allowances, she told me, that she would not be able to come on the net, because she did not have a useable computer system,

    So we decided to make it possible for her to chat with me, so I advance her P35,000 to buy a new system.

    Then she text me from her friends cellphone to say I must call her urgently, when I called her, she was crying, and whining saying that she had dropped her cellphone after she slipped out of her taxi.

    It was suggested that she could get the latest Nokia 3230 and they had in stock, so she could go downtown and get the red one that day, I said I had to get the money for her, she said if I send it Western Union, she would be able to collect the money at the mall.

    So of I went to the Western Union office and send the money, and text her on her friends phone with the MCTN number, but then she text back and said don't worry I have the money, and I already got the new phone, thank you very much darling.

    My little Filipino flower was out browsing at the mall and she was ecstatic to find a wonderful jewelry investment, it was a 14K Gold Wrist watch, and it was one of a kind, and it was Italian tri-color bracelet.

    She had to have it now, as it may go by tomorrow as they are in great demand, so I had to send P22,000 for that.

    Then one day my little flower texted me to say they had an urgent problem with the window on the house, the typhoon had blown it out, and it needed fixing urgently, so I had to send P10,000 to get that done, or the family would not be able to sleep with an open window.

    And even now she is still scamming me on a regular basis out of money, when she goes shopping in the mall, like Armani Jeans and Armani signature Belt, £110.00, then there was the Armani watch to go with the jeans because she would not look right without the matching set, £125.00.

    One day I was out working, when my little scammer was browsing the shopping mall and it was close to Valentine's day, I arrived at the mall at approximately 4pm, I said to the love of my life "Honey did you find anything you liked?" she replied " Well there was not much on the sales" but she then said 'have you decided what you will buy me for Valentine's day" to which i replied "No I had not given it much thought" she said well I saw a nice Gucci 18K Gold necklace at Goldsmiths, after discussing its many features, I asked the price, Gin Gin said, well its £235.00 and I said well if you would like it for Valentines day, we can go around now and take a look at it ?"

    And then we walked to Goldsmiths and as we were about to go in, she said "Would you be mad if I had already bought the valentine's gift that you are going to buy me ?" I said, no not bothered really." and she said " Fine just give me back the money i just paid for it" because I have it already in my bag all wrapped up for valentine's day, and its what you are giving me "

    And I don't know about these other scamming Filipina's you are telling us about HoneyC, but I have to say, I live with one....and I am very happy with my little scammer....Life does not need to be hard, keep it simple ! and give them what they want...if you can afford it...

    And by the way, she has just reminded me, that I must not forget her lunch money at work tomorrow which I have not given her as yet ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    ....but I have to say, I live with one....and I am very happy with my little scammer....Life does not need to be hard, keep it simple ! and give them what they want...if you can afford it...

    And by the way, she has just reminded me, that I must not forget her lunch money at work tomorrow which I have not given her as yet ?

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    I got mates i know from down the pub or work who tell me they work in this or that and do this when i don't see them i have no way of telling.
    This is true. When I was going to marry my second Thai wife she went out with some friends, including two Belgian guys, one of whom was going to marry her friend. They were celbrating in a disco, in Bangkok, and she gave one of the guys a friendly kiss. She was seen by a woman who works in a bar owned by a Thai friend of ours. This was reported back to me within 6 hours in the UK - by my rather gleeful ex wife!

    All I could do was trust my girlfriend's explanation. I now know it to be true because I met the Belgians, and one of them flew to the UK as a witness in our visa appeal! So, I have been through these downs before, and I know very well that all is not necessarily what it seems!


  25. #25
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    when i first read the tagline of this thread I thought the poster of this topic is somebody who experience scammer but I was surprised it was from a filipina..

    well, we can take it as a warning..but I am glad my Clive havent noticed yet that I am one..he he he

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    when i first read the tagline of this thread I thought the poster of this topic is somebody who experience scammer but I was surprised it was from a filipina..

    well, we can take it as a warning..but I am glad my Clive havent noticed to that I am one..he he he
    So hows Scottish life Are you enjoying the 24/7 AC?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    So hows Scottish life Are you enjoying the 24/7 AC?
    hi Andy,

    thanks for asking..well it's my first day here now experiencing the 24/7 AC.. the sun is shining here now but oh its really freezing cold..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi Andy,

    thanks for asking..well it's my first day here now experiencing the 24/7 AC.. the sun is shining here now but oh its really freezing cold..
    My pleasure glad you got here safe and well the sun is shining down here in london for the first time in ages so I guess you brought it over

    I guess you left the sun here when you were waiting at heathrow ( i live quite close to there)

    Im off with a cold so im in the warm at home

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    My pleasure glad you got here safe and well the sun is shining down here in london for the first time in ages so I guess you brought it over

    I guess you left the sun here when you were waiting at heathrow ( i live quite close to there)

    Im off with a cold so im in the warm at home
    the sun has been shining here for 2 days , forgot what it looked like

    kimmi, good you made it here in one piece

    get some iron bru in you - made in scotland from griders
    best of luck lady

  30. #30
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    Hi Sis Kimmi, good to know you arrive safely to Scotland. Wishing you the best of luck

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