Could be said for the person you meet at the bus stop down the road what do you really know about them?
I got mates i know from down the pub or work who tell me they work in this or that and do this when i don't see them i have no way of telling. I may spend loads of time with them but you don't really know them unless you spend 24/7 with them.

We always have to be aware of whats going on around us look at the two sons of the couple where the hubby dissapeared you just don't expect your Mum and Dad to lie to you.

Like Joe put sometimes in LDRs (I know Ian has expereince of these already) you hear a small piece of Info which your like why didn't you tell me before?

Without geting into any stereotype argument i do know from expereince and reading of others experiences. Westeners and Phills do have different views to what is important in life and what they might find embrassing. Understanding the beliefs, and way of thinking is important.

My Wife was a bit coy about telling me she had a Brother and Sister who she is ATE to which means shes like a second mum to the two of them a very different role to many big sisters here in the UK. But to me it didn't matter but for some reason she thought it might frighten me off. At first i thought they were kids of her (the mind does go into overdrive with LDRs sometimes) then i thought i think it unlikely she had a kid at 6 and then another at nine!!

Im sure things will work Ian.